Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

ROFL Pauline :)

Morning all - had a lovely night, a few dropped out because of the awful weather - so it ended up being about half a dozen people, talking and laughing, eating lovely food and having a fab time.

All done and dusted by 11.30pm, kitchen cleaned and dishwasher on by midnight and bed by 1am. I had a few glasses of red but didn't get carried away, so feeling fine today. I was so hungry after everyone had left and had a small packet of ham slices woohoo!

And now to the exciting world of laundry...

Have a good day, all x
Morning all

Well what a party weekend! Haven't done one like that for years :) More people piled around on Saturday night, more fun and laughter, cheese and wine - so it was definitely a rest day yesterday :)

Didn't stop me going on eBay though - and won a lovely white dresser for the kitchen, which solves my (lack of) shelving issues beautifully!

B - bacon and eggs
L - tuna with lemon oil and cracked pepper, and salad
D - lamb and cauli mash

Have a lovely day!
Where do you get your oils suze xx
Morning all

The house sitter is lovely - but another problem, I now can't find my birth certificate, so I think it looks like Italy ain't gonna happen. Will have another good sort out tonight, so cross fingers!

B - bacon and eggs
L - out with work so not sure
D - dunno, not feeling inspired - did a sneaky WI and the scales have shot right up :(
Firmly crossed for you Susie. Its a wonder I can type, -oh yes, it seems to have improved the typing!!!!
Oh blimey it's one thing after another! Can you get a copy of the certificate? Those born in the uk can get one same day but not so easy for you I guess.
I followed the eBay link but as the listing had ended they decided to show me a similar item


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Girls this is me right now -


I have been in such a panic, trying to find my birth cert and Mum's for the right of abode - but just found them! In the last box I unpacked tonight, of course...

One very relieved person here...
How come you need to go through right of abode ?
Morning hun - I'm eligible for UK citizenship, but if I went for that I have to relinquish my NZ passport, which I don't want to do (it's generally safer to travel on and the Customs queues are shorter lol) - so I have to apply for right of abode through my Scottish mum - otherwise I could leave the UK but they wouldn't let me back in - even though I've lived here for over 20 years.

Had a few carby slip ups yesterday - the usual problem, running late, not prepared, so had to buy what was in the cafe. Time to get back in the kitchen this weekend!
Worked my behind off today - rushed around getting passport pics, so everything has gone to the Home Office, then had a load of releases to write, and then finished at 8pm after a VIP reception, when the dresser was delivered and it looks fab!!! Very country kitchen :)

Now to collapse! :D