Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Busy, out of 4 of us I am only one in at the mo! Hopefully boss will be back tomorrow so that will double the staff lol.
Been to bank tonight to sign mortgage papers (changing mortage - NOT moving lol) took forever to fill in the insurance questionnaire - then I had to go morrisons to fill car up and get some water for me.
10pm bed I think tonight, tired!
Morning Susie, Bren, thank God we paid off our mortgage some years ago.
Morning hun, how you feeling today?

Feel a bit yuck today, woke up early with the sneezes then fell asleep, had a horrible nightmare and now feel like I've been hit with a brick :(
'kin hell, Susie up. Ah, poor you love, there is so much **** flying around at the moment.
Thx all, going to crawl back to bed in a mo, need to stick the heating back on - it's freeezing.

Vicky - nightmare was horrible. the usual chase scenario - but it was set in the near future, I was sitting on the firestairs of a building with a load of people. These others came along with machines they were holding which sent out electrical currents that killed some people and left others. I was one of the others, but then I had to jump to the top of these long heavy drapes (like the backdrops in a theatre) with symbols on them, and had to slide down as many of the curtains as I could, because the more symbols I slid over, the longer I would live! Then I started being chased by a open topped floating car which was trying to kill me, and I ran into a 1960s type social housing estate and woke up as I was hiding from it....gave me the shivers bigtime!
have you been playing computer games Suz?
Peaceful sleep Suze. x