Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

c cleaner is very effective

(means crap cleaner)

and AVG and spybot are free, or have free versions, i have used AVG free for years, have no problems
Thx guys, too late tho, already bought the other one - but it identified (get ready for this) 480 infected items :eek: and has stopped three bad websites from opening. Cross fingers the clean up continues :)
Morning Susie, I don't understand that, both are free love.
Afternoon all

Lovely day here, been doing a bit of spring cleaning, been for a walk (omg) and now sitting waiting for hair dye to fix, then it's time for a little home trim and...relax :)

Don't know what happened with the spybot and AVG websites Jim, would let me download and run them but when it came to quarantining bad stuff, I then had to pay. Anyway, it's done now and touch wood the lappie is now trouble free.

Thx for all your advice though.

How's everyone today?
hey honey :) ooh what clour dye babes?
This one John Frieda Foam Colour Dark Natural Brown 4N at Superdrug

My hair's already dark brown and I keep roughly to the same shade (after many years of experimenting) - just need it to cover the greys - of which there are many! I'm 50 this year :eek: and am toying with the idea of having it dyed silver white and being done with it!

Hair also cut, took about 3 inches off in the end. God only knows what it looks like at the back :)
I'm 50 this year :eek: and am toying with the idea of having it dyed silver white and being done with it!
really suze? i had you down as about 35!
LOL yep still got all my gingers, thx Bren, but the bathroom's a mess - I usually manage to fling a bit of dye around the place, and today was no exception! Time to go and buy a pot of white paint so the landlord doesn't have a fit :)

And I really have to work on this belief you all have that I am accident prone - I'm actually incredibly graceful, sailing serenely through life 24 hours a day (cough splutter :D)