Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Hello little miss shoe shopper :) glad things are good :D
Hey Suse... have missed ya. Good to hear yr in fine fettle babes. x
Missed you too Linz - in fact miss you all, I hate not being able to pop into the forum when I feel like it - but equally, it's very nice to be paid :)
Hiya Susie, away for a few days, nice to see you still posting here. :D
ive walked the dogs, stepped and shredded!!!! you loving work?
Hi susie, glad you are enjoying the work - and spending the money of course:D
Morning Jim - and everyone else :)

Good WI this morning, 6lbs down - so I know what I need to do now to get more weight off :) The old KISS principle - and I know you kept saying that was the only way to do it properly, Jim :)

Probably helps that I'm back in a work routine and have sorted the breakkie and lunch dilemma out - am bringing both, get in early and heat up breakfast in the microwave and eat before people have arrived, then whack down the vitamins and I'm sorted until lunch! Have cut way back on mayo and gin (with the exception of Friday or Saturday night) and am also only having 3 Atkins milk crispy bars a week.

Of course this noble thinking will only last so long - but at least when I fall off the wagon now, I get myself back on it reasonably quickly, rather than before when I'd just go out and see how much pizza I could eat in one sitting :)

Gotta do the media summary so might see you all at lunch xxxx
morning suze well done thats fab babes :) yes a routine definately helps!!!! xxxx
I agree about routine, and yes Susie love KISS it is every time