Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Hi lovely one - you chattin' tonight? Booze obligatory I'm afraid. ;)

YES YES YES I am so up for it :)

On a more sober note (ha!) -
B - 2 sossies (0.2), bacon and eggs
L - Mattesons, big handful lettuce (2), mug cherry tomatoes (3), lemon oil and 100ml mayo (1.2)
D - roast lamb and spinach (1.1)
W - 1 litres (oops), 2 coffees (soya milk 2)

So lots of veg but only 8.4 carbs...soooo room for some G&Ts I think
how were you managing getting more when you werent working love?
Vicky - I was having cheese, more mayo and Atkins bars - and more wine :eek:

Lisa - I have Debbie and Andrew herb sausages, 0.2 carbs per sausage and v nice :)
Morning susie, how is weekend treating you :D
Hiya Susie bella, thanks for rescuing me from the world's first solo chat last night, you're such a sweetie. Hope you're having a lovely weekend - catch up tomorrow. x
Hi Ladyfelsham,

I see you started again on Tuesday 8th? I started induction then too :) wanted to say good luck, looks like you did really well last time :) x
Morning Susie :D
Hiya Susie bella, thanks for rescuing me from the world's first solo chat last night, you're such a sweetie. Hope you're having a lovely weekend - catch up tomorrow. x

Afternoon hun - it was such fun, wasn't it? Defintely do it again, although perhaps with less gin next time!

Joanne - I get my Debbie sausages from Tesco online, they are usually in stock :)

Busy yesterday (with a sore head, oh well), and lovely to catch up with friends :) Massive sleep in this morning, and now pootering around doing chorees.

Hope you're having a good day!
I do my shopping on Tesco online as well. Might have to have a look at a different Tescos coz mine definitely doesnt have them.
Thx hun, whirlwind of cooking activity (in between watching a programme about narrowboats :)) -

- egg muffins
- Iceland no carb burgers
- Debbie sausages - so that's brekkie sorted
- chicken cooked in mandarin oil and made into salad
- chilli mince
- chopped up cauli and cabbage, ready for cooking
- about to make cauli rice and throw in the freezer
- then going to make lamb curry for tomorrow night

Mr Tesco is coming tomorrow night so got to make some room :)