Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Bren... yr not going to turn for the Knowles are you??
I have my moments (and I did have a husband for 10 years so I know what I am talking about lol) :D

Tomorrow morning - yummmmmmmm
LMAO both - a gay friend of mine calls her (ex) marriage a John West - she tried it, she didn't like it, so she threw him back :D (it works after a few wines :D)
Have you got to the stage I have? I feel that so much has passed me by while I was large that now I need to do stuff, experience stuff, get out know?

Sorry Susie - have camped out in your diary!
Camp away huns!

I know what you mean, I haven't done lots of stuff because I was too big - so watch out world, here we come!!!!:D:D:D