Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

cos you girls were busy last night :D
morning sus x
Morning lovelies :)

I slept right through the night yaye! First time since the fall, and although I have a hangover, I feel better :)

Snow is starting to melt here - how's everyone else?
LOL thx Flutter and Alpa

Ankle is still a bit sore but the swelling has finally gone down, and the muscles on the back of my leg aren't hurting as much either. Lots more rest this weekend and I'll be raring to go :)

It has really "warmed" up here, I've got the back door open to get some fresh air in :)
Hmmmmmmmmm hill + rain on ice = arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhh
not wanting to go out for fear of damaging parts - walked up to town this morning, and then down again and now it has frozen again - roll on summer.

Glad you are mending Susie xxxxx
Oh yes be careful, all those living on hills! I went out to the supermarket yesterday and nearly came a cropper on my front steps (they're very steep) :) How embarrasing that would have been!

Lovely day here today, cold but blue sky
Morning Susie, LOL Bren :D
Morning Lady S - are you up yet??
Morning Bren hope you're snow is melting ... we had more overnight but looks like milder temperatures are on their way!
ps Lady S I did the same windows open with heating on!!
Morning all!

Yes it's before 11am and I'm up, shock horror, showered, hair washed (what a palaver on one leg :)), dishes done and now waiting for Mr Tesco.

Awful day here, foggy and cold - so am staying indoors again, although I'm getting cabin fever big time :eek:. Out and about tomorrow though with the rescheduled interview, and a Christmas party I can't miss on Wednesday :D

How's everyone?
Oh goody and you're looking fabby of course!!!!
Anyone in particular you want to see (for good reasons or revenge?)
Have you got your outfit???
LOL thx hun! No special outfit, just going to keep warm :)

It's mainly women - but we can talk the hind leg off a donkey - and at volume! :)