Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Hi Susie,
if you hand the bugs to everyone else then at least you are getting them out of you :D
Afternoon Susie, I heard a report on the radio yesterday about Zinc being good for getting rid of colds! Hope you are on the mend xx
Afternoon darlings

I heard that report about zinc too Bren, so thought it was worth a shot. I think another good night's sleep and I'll be well and truly on the mend.

And boy am I glad I left my central heating on - someone even muttered something about snow here on the weekend. Summer seems a very long way off!
lol. Its cos of Jo on dukan she is chief witch :)
NO SNOW. I ban snow for the rest of the year, I'm so tired of being chilly.
No. No. No. No more bleedin' snow! We've had our quota for the next five years thanks very much! :(

Susie, glad to hear you're turning the corner - must look up that stuff about zinc. I know they used to push echinacea (OMG no idea of spelling there) but then it was poo-pooed. And Linus Pauling used to push mega doses of vitamin C, didn't he?

Every time I hear the olympics mentioned on the radio I immediately think of you now! They were discussing the tix on R4 this afternoon. Can I stay on your boat if I'm lucky enough to get some?? :)
Oh, fast and furious Susie! I'm looking for athletics or swimming tickets - prolly rare as hens' teeth, and therefore am liable to be watching them on telly with the rest of the country!
Afternoon all, another quick sneak in while there's a break in work. Feeling better cold-wise but nearly dead from lack of sleep, horrible upstairs neighbour crashed about at midnight and 5am, so I got no sleep - and No Sleep Susie is Bad Susie, as we know :)

Am out for Dinner tonight and out for parcel pickup and lunch tomorrow so won't be able to catch up until later tomorrow afternoon - with gin in hand, hopefully :)

Hope you are all well and happy, cherubs :)
I'm dreading having neighbours again. The last ones had 2 babies in the 18 months they lived there and a huge dog that would bark even if a leaf blew past the house! Enjoy your dinner and if the neighbour is in bed in the morning when you go out just leave a radio on loudly lol.
Nothing worse than noisy neighbours. Well except for my neighbours that is. Lovely people but they have a tendancy to get drunk at weekends and flood their bathroom meaning mine gets it as well.