Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Waterworks;3292485glass of wine I also appear to have put 6lbs on in just over a week - this is bad. Back on the straight and narrow tomorrow! ;)[/QUOTE said:
i heard that.....both of those things.....the glass of wine is fine........but 6lb? looks like i will need to bring my kick ass stick to brum if your not sorted by then.....

Lol Marty!" it will be water x
morning suzie x
Hey Suse. x
i heard that.....both of those things.....the glass of wine is fine........but 6lb? looks like i will need to bring my kick ass stick to brum if your not sorted by then.....


Thanks Marty, I actually DO need a kick at the minute - was off for half term and things slipped massively. I'm hoping the 6lbs is water because I'm surely out of ketosis at this stage, so hopefully it'll shift pretty quickly. Didn't have the best start today though - tomorrow I promise I'm back on it properly. :)

Hi to Susie, hope you had a good day at work lovey.
Hi Susie, hope you've had a lovely Monday :)
Evening lovelies - busy day today, so no chance to pop on until now! :)

All good though, and the flat is now in the hands of the lawyers, who both think they can exchange in 4-6 weeks, which is very exciting! :) Money in the bank, financial security and plenty of time to wait for the right boat to come up :D:D:D
Ooooh, I didn't even know it had sold Susie - that's totally fab, so pleased things are going well for you petal!!!! :D
Thx so much honey - the flat got lots of applications and they went for a young woman I really liked, so am even feeling like I'm handing it on to someone who will look after it :) Ahhhh what a sop :)

It was a bad time for a while there - but of course the old adage is true, the only way is up! :) Am meeting up with lots of mates and making lots of mad plans - but it all depends on what the work situation is looking like in 2-3
Cor I've just had the loveliest dinner - microwaved some cauli rice I prepared on the weekend, fried some lamb pieces in lemon oil, then added two big tsp of medium curry powder - LOVELY! I am well hooked on cauli rice now :)
Sounds yummy Susie. I've been bad and am paying the price. I need to get sorted. I assume 'plans' means 'travel' when it's you, LOL. Where you thinking of going?

I have decided tonight that I am going to go to my first formal in about 15 years next month. It's daunting. I don't even know where to start with dresses and suchlike. And it's not a formal, it's a dinner dance - is that different? What do people wear to these things? I'm crap at anything you can't wear jeans to!
LOL yes you got me, 'plans' do mean 'travel' - Italy, of course and once the long term plans for work are a bit clearer, then I'm going to Egypt (as long as things have calmed down, natch) - have dreamed of a Nile cruise for years :)

The formal do sounds fantastic - and you can still do trousers, maybe a floaty chiffon pair?
Love Italy, we stayed in Tuscany two summers ago and it was just as close to heaven as I've ever been Susie. And Rome. Oooh and Venice. I just love Italy. :D

Egypt I have to say doesn't grab me so much. Hygiene is a big thing with me, and everyone I know who goes comes back with horror stories of tummy bugs and worse. Also, insects are unacceptable on any holiday. Yes I am a bit of a fusspot. :D I would love to see the pyramids and all the pharohs' ancient civilization type stuff though. (Stop me if I'm getting too technical). :D
Thank you sweeties big hugs for all your love xxxx

I hear you on the bug front Clare, but that's what immodium is for, I guess :D And at the end of the day, all it takes is one idiot with a bomb to destroy centuries of historical architecture - I still kick myself for not going to China before they flooded parts of the Yantze and the historic carvings...
Wow, jealous of the travel plans. I've never been to Italy and I'm 1/2 Italian! I'd love to visit Israel and Japan, too, one day when funds allow. Making plans to fulfil some dreams must be wonderful. Most people going to Egypt stay in those luxury beach resorts and never see the real place. It does take some real bravery to step away from the familiar.