Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Evening all - home, shivering me timbers - gosh ain't it cold!

Had a nice albeit quick catch up with my mate and (how guilty is this) couldn't wait to get home and chat to you all :)
Bloody freezing... I have 4 layers, the heating & a big blanket on!
Morning Susie,
I hear you have been partying without me! :)
Hope your weekend is going well - this end im lounging around in living room with the fire on to keep cozy!
Hi Susie - hope it's a nice parcel you're picking up and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Friends just phoned to bail on our night out so it's just me and OH going to the pub now. It'll be nice though - we hardly ever just do date nights with just us. :)
Morning Susie,
I hear you have been partying without me! :)

Afternoon all - I did indeed party last night, getting some practice in before Brum :)

V rang and I spoke much goobledeegook down the phone at the poor girl:D had to ring and apologise this morning, once I surfaced.

Despite my head being in another county, I've been and got my parcels (someone, Rosie?, recommended Soap and Glory face stuff so ordered some on eBay), plus the iPod and I did some more retail therapy, including some Atkins choc brownies mmm.

Hope you're all well - and dry!

Have a lovely evening Claire xxx
Thanks lovely one. Naughty naughty Susie eating carbs, but if you're gonna slip, a hangover is the time to do it.

There's a jinx on our night out. We had (finally) decided to travel to another town to see The King's Speech early show, then get dinner and then come home. Babysitter has just phoned to say her car broke down halfway to ours, and we'll not make it now. Currently rethinking the evening - never say die though, I'd say we'll manage to pull something nice out of the hat yet! :) Have a lovely evening Susie, glad you did nice shopping today. :)
We have had a fab night out Susie. Missed the movie, so we just decided to go to our local bar/restaurant and had a nice meal and a few drinks. We need to do this more often. :D

What are you up to tonight?
Hi hun so glad you had a nice evening :)

I went to bed with a book (that's the extent of my romantic life haha), slept ok then the phone woke me up at 8am this morning :eek: but it was fine, a good mate from NZ who'd had some vino and forgotten the time difference :D

Housework now, then my lovely foot doctor is coming round, then lots of cooking to prepare for the week.
Morning Susie.

Books have a number of advantages over men, not least you can put them down when you've had enough! ;)

Have a nice day of feet and cooking - sounds like my idea of heaven!
suze - you recovered love? still laughing at... i mean with you ;)
What are you making today Susie? Hope your feet feel all lovely and pampered now. :)

Just back after a couple of hours in work to get cleared up ready for tomorrow, and visit to MILs. Gonna play with the children for a couple of hours as we're back to school and work tomorrow. Then maybe one glass of wine to kiss the break goodbye. Sniff!

I also appear to have put 6lbs on in just over a week - this is bad. Back on the straight and narrow tomorrow! ;)
Hi Susie, happy sunday!

Friends with vino and phones - dont see many of them round here! :D