Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Thx lovelies! :)

Clare - classic older person moment there lovie - but we all do it! :) Glad you're having a good evening. How was the head this morning?

And how did this glass of wine get in my hand??? :)
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Evening Susie, glad you had another wonderful day :D maybe the wine fairy put it in your hand? :)
Head was amazingly fine today Susie, despite mucho drinko. Bodes well for Brum. ;) And you put the wine in your hand because this is such a fab diet that you CAN do that, and not feel the least bit guilty! Enjoy. :D
Evening Susie, does that mean I can take a small irish to bed? Oh good, thanks, I will :D
Lol Bren!!! I would love an Irish too but fear Im not allowed at the moment!!

Hi Susie:) Hope you have another good day!
Morning Susie
Afternoon all

At last, five mins during the day to eat lunch (chilli mince and cabbage mmm, am stinking the office out hehehe), read your posts and reflect on my bad couple of weeks. Put on bigtime (as expected, so no sympathy) and it's all to do with lack of preparation and giving in to warm croissants with ham and cheese - bad Susie :(

So, nose back to the grindstone today, and back to posting menus.

B - two Debbie sossies and 2 friend eggs, 1 soya latte, 1 cup tea (with soya)
L - beef chilli mince with cabbage and mayo
D - roast pork and cauli, I think, or spinach - might need an extra handful of carbs because I'm not doing any snacks

Thanks for not making too much of a fuss while I wobble about :)

My physical energy levels have been dreadul for weeks - has anyone tried Hoodia? I don't want to run across the Sahara desert, as the advertising suggests - but running for the bus would be good :)
Afternoon Susie, have had a bad couple of days myself but back on track today so far at least. Have been using what is going on as an excuse but it really isnt so only have myself to berate. Not tried Hoodia - have just started on omega 3 myself along with my multivits. Is it expensive, Vicky recommended L-Carnitine the other day but it is way out of my league, have not had chance to look online for it yet though.

Job still going well then?
Coenzyme Q10 is meant to help with energy. I've just started it and it's 3 for 2 at Tesco at the mo! Reading up it also can benefit tinitus so I really hope it does as I've had it since my teens. Very occasionally it stops for about 10 seconds and I suddenly notice the difference!
Hey ladies...

I take L carnitine & Co Q10... when I remember! x
Evening Susie, glad you are managing to get back on track:)

I must admit i think many supplements dont do much unless you're in sales ;) - unless you can find the one thing that you are actually short of!
But then again the placebo effect works wonders for me - goes off to check stocks of multi vit, vit c, echinea (cant even spell!) etc :D
Vicky recommended L-Carnitine the other day but it is way out of my league, have not had chance to look online for it yet though.Job still going well then?

Job is grand thx hun. In my unemployed days I obviously got used to doing what I wanted, when I wanted - can't do that now - but it is great fun and really interesting - and I never want to be without work ever again.

H&B has L-carnitine for about £3. I did buy some hoodia, a 7 day trial, and it's day 1 - must admit I do feel like eating less, but that's probably because

a) I haven't pooed for days - sorry for tmi
b) I'm too busy to eat properly
c) my personal favourite - I feel really, really guilty for being so weak on the carb front.

I know we all do it, but I am an expert at beating myself up about being weak. Maybe I was lying when I said I could see this out for years - maybe I do just want instant results (of course I do) ....:)

Of course, without trying to do something about my weight means I wouldn't have met you guys - and the thought of not meeting you just doesn't compute :)
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Job is grand thx hun, but in my unemployed days I obviously got used to doing what I wanted, when I wanted - can't do that now - but it is great fun and really interesting.

H&B has L-carnitine for about £3. I did buy some hoodia, a 7 day trial, and it's day 1 - must admit I do feel like eating less, but that's probably because

a) I haven't pooed for days - sorry for tmi
b) I'm too busy to eat properly
c) my personal favourite - I feel really, really guilty for being so weak on the carb front.

I know we all do it, but we are all experts at beating ourselves up on it too. Maybe I was lying when I said I could see this out for years - maybe I do just want instant results (of course I do) ....:)

Glad to hear you are enjoying the job, I know what you mean about not having time to do the things you want - I need about 36 hours in a day to be honest!

L-Carnitine - could not find it in H&B - will look online for it - but saw it in 2 local health food places and one was 45 quid and the other 38 quid - for a month!!!! ridiculous :eek:

Wanting instant results is the norm for us dieters - you are not alone xxxx
Exante does give instant results but it's a very tough thing to stick to and does have side effects. You'll find yourself wondering why you are putting yourself through it when you've obviously got willpower and sticking properly to Atkins works for you.
Not before Birmingham! You need to plan it so you don't have any social functions coming up for a while, you really should not drink on it as it is dangerous, I went from July to Christmas without a drop passing my lips (hard to believe I know). To be honest, it is hard to say whether it would suit or not, only way is to try it really, have you done anything like it in the past? It is 90% in the mind I found, I truly believed it would work and that was most of the battle - and it did! You have to put food completely out of your mind, it does not exist for the time you are doing exante - apart from the add a week meals and I was glad when they were over to be honest.

A month is about £100 if I remember rightly, and if you think you could stick it out for that, well worth it for the 1 to 2 stone loss. If you want to know anything more specific just ask, pm if you would prefer xxx
Very, very helpful, hun, I do appreciate your comments, and can't wait to chat to you about it when we meet :)

Maybe I'll try hypnosis - to get my lazy arse off the couch and do some exercise LOL