(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Yeah I loved that!!!
Good Morning Sweetie, How are you feeling today? X
Yeah I loved that!!!
Good Morning Sweetie, How are you feeling today? X
Fab!!! Think I'm not gonna make WI tonight as I have a meeting with mortgage advisor later and it will clash!! Checking if any other meetings are on!!!
Fingers crossed there will be another one which is suitable. X
No there's not
I'm going to weigh at home this morning which will hopefully give me a rough idea. If I don't make it later, I don't make it! And I'll weigh in next week with a real reading. Xx
I've had to WI a day early, lost 0.5lb, but lame really! X
Oh noooooo is it the house n that?? U can always PM me if u need to talk xxx
Whooooop well done! No way is that lame Hun. Imagine how you'd have felt if you gained half! Remember last week "any loss is in the right direction" xx
Scales at home are saying 9st 13 which would mean a 2.5lb loss. There's no way I have lost that if anything so maybe I've STS according to WW?? I'd be happy with that after the bank hol weekend!!! If I can make WI tonight, I'll go but it's doubtful!!!
Ha Ha Ha, that's true Sweetie, I find it easy to give out advice, not so good to take it! X
It would be fab if you have lost 2.5lbs but I know home scales aren't always that accurate, fingers crossed you can get to your meeting Sweetie. X
That's a morning weight too and I weigh at 5:30. I'll log it as a STS if I can't make group x
good luck with your appointment chicxxx
Can't wait to weigh 9st 13 again! Xx
Here to follow chicken. Didnt realise you had a new diary!!