Erm theyre nice as a one off but for 4 syns u can get some velvets or walkers stars noughts and crosses etc so no lol. I do them when i fancy them though
Hello ladies, guess where I am? Did a bit of your challenge staceyweb but could not afford too many things. Got some grapes which has lasted me two days. Made pork burgers sw style with rice and sw tom sauce poured over the lot, I'm stuffed.:p
Do you like pom bears they are low syns, can't remember how many 4or5 I think. I have never stopped today must b clocking up some miles lol. Have been eating porridge in the morning and it fills u up for ages. Only eaten porridge and my tea today and a few grapes. So porridge must b working.:D
Hello ladies, guess where I am? Did a bit of your challenge staceyweb but could not afford too many things. Got some grapes which has lasted me two days. Made pork burgers sw style with rice and sw tom sauce poured over the lot, I'm stuffed.:p

So where are you Flower?? Dinner sounds scrummy hun.

Made me crisps with cajun seasoning, turned out lovely, did them in the oven
At work dizzy izzy lol. How do u make said crisps and are they any syns on ee

I sliced half a large spud thinly, laid them out on a pizza tray that I sprayed with frylite, sprinkled cajun seasoning & bunged them in the oven. I didn't syn them coz I used a spud I was onna have for dinner. They were quite nice, I'll do them again.
Well started at 7am and am knackered. My head is buzzing due to lack of sleep, going home at 2 for a snooze, then the flower will blossom. On the big girls juice tonight with my friends. Had porridge this am, ate it on the way to work in the car as got out of bed at 6.40 and had a squadie wash. Had a mug shot for lunch, chilli for tea. Thats my day what ru guys up to today my wee angels:D:D
Nom nom sweets x:p

Hello my lickle Flower & how is you 2day????

I've been shopping for a bathroom sink, just what I need when the holidays are so close, eating into the holiday bucks, but ah it had to done.

Having leftover spag bol for lunch for the 3rd & final time this week, trying to use up stuff.
Well started at 7am and am knackered. My head is buzzing due to lack of sleep, going home at 2 for a snooze, then the flower will blossom. On the big girls juice tonight with my friends. Had porridge this am, ate it on the way to work in the car as got out of bed at 6.40 and had a squadie wash. Had a mug shot for lunch, chilli for tea. Thats my day what ru guys up to today my wee angels:D:D

Oh crossed posts. You go home & have yourself a good oul disco nap & you'll be in flying form for your nite out
Im just laid on sofa melting after gutting the house from top to bottom. Surely that counts as body magic. Having a bbq tomorrow so im in a cleaning tizz haha. Im moderately clean until guests arrive then i get ocd and start re arranging the cupboards incase one of them decides to have a nose. Not likely but u never know i always want to nose in other peoples houses so stands to reason people do when they come here?.

Go have a power nap. Be right as rain in half hour