Im just laid on sofa melting after gutting the house from top to bottom. Surely that counts as body magic. Having a bbq tomorrow so im in a cleaning tizz haha. Im moderately clean until guests arrive then i get ocd and start re arranging the cupboards incase one of them decides to have a nose. Not likely but u never know i always want to nose in other peoples houses so stands to reason people do when they come here?.

Go have a power nap. Be right as rain in half hour

Deffo counts as body magic methinks!!! I'd be the same, then when visitors come I get all particular!! Enjoy a well deserved snooze hun.
Yes was not out late so felt ok next day. Have had the paul mckenna gastric band fitted today and can't finish food, hope that keeps up:thumbup: how did ur day go. Did u enjoy ur bbq staceyweb :cool: off to bed after a wee bit candy crush the only candy I will get lol:D
Yes was not out late so felt ok next day. Have had the paul mckenna gastric band fitted today and can't finish food, hope that keeps up:thumbup: how did ur day go. Did u enjoy ur bbq staceyweb :cool: off to bed after a wee bit candy crush the only candy I will get lol:D

Morning Flower, glad the Paul McKenna is working for you. I'm being very good this week, kinda, till hubby bought me a yorkie bar, but I hadnt had many syns so it was allowed, still havent checked how many syns yet.
Busy day ahead, I'm gutting the kids playroom, still got alotta baby toys & place has turned into a dumping ground, be a busy bunny today.

Stacey gone awol after her BBQ, hope it was fun:party0019:
I spent yesterday and today doing the house, so much for days off eh. I hope my weigh in reflects my portion control. I will prob gain because its not enough food or something cruel like that. The bbq sounded fun lol. Have a car booty with the old things in the playroom it will pay for that sink.....
I wish i could car booty all the kids toys but my fella is a hoarder and everytime i mention a clean out he looks at me horrified and exclaims what if we have another child they wont have anything to play with. Ummm scuse me they are my lady parts and they will not be passing a great lump through them anytime soon!!! He would soon pap himself if i told him i was pregnant haha. And ive looked over the food i ate at the bbq and its not bad but its not good either im just proud i stuck to not going overboard. With food anyway the alcohol im so far off board im at the shoreline lol wayyy too much so that could be a downfall for me but im not too worried cos its once a year we have a bbq and i know im still commited.

On another note ive just tackled my oven after a shameful full year of not cleaning it :/ it looks brand new now. I just wipe it over generally and forget about it! Proud oh yes. Essay done over and out lol
I wish i could car booty all the kids toys but my fella is a hoarder and everytime i mention a clean out he looks at me horrified and exclaims what if we have another child they wont have anything to play with. Ummm scuse me they are my lady parts and they will not be passing a great lump through them anytime soon!!! He would soon pap himself if i told him i was pregnant haha. And ive looked over the food i ate at the bbq and its not bad but its not good either im just proud i stuck to not going overboard. With food anyway the alcohol im so far off board im at the shoreline lol wayyy too much so that could be a downfall for me but im not too worried cos its once a year we have a bbq and i know im still commited.

On another note ive just tackled my oven after a shameful full year of not cleaning it :/ it looks brand new now. I just wipe it over generally and forget about it! Proud oh yes. Essay done over and out lol

My kids are the same, won't part with anything. Had unexpected visitors so never got that job done.

Ireland isn't great for carboot sales, far & few between, So I'll just bag stuff up & give to friends & family, sister has a 3yr old so she'll take alot of it & nextdoor neighbour has a little guy so I'll pawn some off on them.

Howse everyone today???

Got my sink installed & old one is on the skip, happy days. I'm trying to get the bags packed for France, we're off on Friday, nearly all done.

Foodwise I've been mostly good. Have loads of fruit & yogurts to eat, be happy with a STS or a small loss on Weds.

Howse the Paul McKenna going Flower???

Stacey I guffawed at your sons "baby request", ha ha kids are mad, my youngest has told me she'll leave home if I have another baby coz she wouldn't be the baby anymore or get all the attention, she has it all sussed at age 6, bless her:)
Lol it wasnt my son it was my partner haha but thats worse haha!!

I lost 3 and 1/2 today woooo. Maybe i was better with food than i thought lol.
Lol it wasnt my son it was my partner haha but thats worse haha!!

I lost 3 and 1/2 today woooo. Maybe i was better with food than i thought lol.

Ha ha broody other half :)

Whoop whoop for you & your 3.5lb loss, that's a hell of a lotta sausages :) See your good time out wont ruin it unless u keep going after it, you must be delighted.
Will let you know on wednesday how good mr mckenna is lol. Well done on the 3 and half stone this week staceyweb:rolleyes: glad mr sink is in and functioning. . Just finished 9 hr shift and have to make t explained to the dog how this was done, he wagged his tail a lot but sure I will still hve to make it lol:cool:
Will let you know on wednesday how good mr mckenna is lol. Well done on the 3 and half stone this week staceyweb:rolleyes: glad mr sink is in and functioning. . Just finished 9 hr shift and have to make t explained to the dog how this was done, he wagged his tail a lot but sure I will still hve to make it lol:cool:

Ah you must be knackered Flower, am picturing the dog nodding & wagging in agreement.

Well I've spent the whole afternoon packing, nearly done, just have to track a few bits down. :character00238:

Started a big clearout of the hotpress, had to clear it out this morning for access for the plumber, embarassing the amount of $hite in there, so thats a job in progress. Just taking a break to make dinner. It's a foolproof, shove it all ready-made into the oven & not very SW friendly but I'm too busy for that. So chicken encroute with gratin potatos & peas it is, all come in their own tins cept the peas, so cuts down on me washing up;)
I couldnt be bothered cooking much so just done a curried fried rice and shot some chicken tikka pieces in. Quick and gorgeous. May have sabotaged myself i bought some of the new blackcurrent cheesecake hi fi bars and theyre just too nice lol ill have to invest in a padlock for the cupboard.
I couldnt be bothered cooking much so just done a curried fried rice and shot some chicken tikka pieces in. Quick and gorgeous. May have sabotaged myself i bought some of the new blackcurrent cheesecake hi fi bars and theyre just too nice lol ill have to invest in a padlock for the cupboard.

Ah but the thing with those bars Stacey is you could eat the whole box & be with-in your sins.Let me know what they're like,will have them at group on Weds.

Your dinner sounds lovely.I'm collapsed in me armchair in a food coma watching traffic cops. Need a cuppa tea but not got any energy left, Have dropped hints,waiting to see will OH come up trumps.
I can already tell you they are gorgeous!

Hee hee,food porn,go on then how many you've had. I love the rocky road ones.

Did I tell yeh that bloody yorkie bar that hubby bought me as a surprise treat Saturday nite was a whopping 15syns,I cudda ate a whole box of Rocky roads for that.