Shes gone into hiding she fell off the wagon and raided her nearest greggs so shes ashamed to weigh herself haha
Was just about to type when I saw that Stacey, psml :8855: Luckily for me we have no Greggs in Ireland or the equivalent, coz I've been in there & could just about eat everything :eat:

Had me :scale: & I'm down 1.5lbs, how I don't bloody know & got a club10 & 1.5st stickers, so spurred on to be ultra good this week to make up for the choccie maddness that was last week.
Well done! Im about half a stone off my club 10 so im trying to be good. Had a good week so far but im having a bbq on saturday so ill be having a few cheeky drinkies and then ill eat so im being good as gold all week so try tip the balance. Well done on losing that much so far!
Well done! Im about half a stone off my club 10 so im trying to be good. Had a good week so far but im having a bbq on saturday so ill be having a few cheeky drinkies and then ill eat so im being good as gold all week so try tip the balance. Well done on losing that much so far!

I'm delited,just have to get me act 2gether & keep it up.Have one more weigh-in till France,gotta be good. Was a good boost to get the stickers,she even gave me certs which is a first, my kids love all that, youngest came to group with me,loves all the clapping,ha ha.
Not going to ur club if you get the clap .....:eek:

Ha ha trust u to lower the tone!!! Well you know the way I was considering chucking going to group after me hols, after having such a lousey week this week I think I might have to keep going, scared stiff of slipping & think I might need the routine & accountability of going to group, whadyis think??? I might shop around though & try one of the evening classes, see what the atmosphere is like at other classes, bit jaded by mine.
I feel like i need another person to weigh me cos u cheat myself plus i like the tips and advice got a naughty lasagne cooking but made with extra lean mince and lowfat cheese so its naughty but not as naughty
I felt I got nothing out of class. Had a bad experience and never went back :(

See I do actually enjoy the ritual of going to group, I get dolled up & meet me buddies afterwards in a local resturant for brunch, it's just abit boring, same every week from the same peeps, no one shares anything new ('cept motormouth me), they can't even be bothered to bring fruit for the basket.

I feel like i need another person to weigh me cos u cheat myself plus i like the tips and advice got a naughty lasagne cooking but made with extra lean mince and lowfat cheese so its naughty but not as naughty

Yeah I'm the same Stacey, think I need the threat of someone else's scales to motivate me & keep me on track. I've just made a lovely spag bol & I'm gonna make a lasagne outta the leftovers for 2moro.
So organised. End of the month eat whats left in the freezer:)

Yup thats the plan here too, end of the month & the week b4 hols so all the fresh stuff has gotta go, I stupidly bought loada muller yogurts on off but I think I can freeze them, though I'll make a good job trying to eat them.

So back on track with the eating and have all me grub planned for the day. I found low syn corn snacks yesterday, having them with a little mini malteaser bunny for 7syns, did this twice yesterday, so far from feeling deprived.

I got the mag, skimmed through it, a bloke from here is in it, lost loads, Gazter, inspirational. Must have a look at the recipes.

I went to Aldi earlier, had school uniforms on offer today, it was manic, crazy, got girls a few bits. Whadya up today Flower???
Housework in this heat should be banned. Need me a cleaning/cooking fairy and id be a happy chappy. My group is a bit cliquey and quiet to new members ive noticed but didnt bother me cos im mouth almighty smiled and chatted from day 1 but some of the new girls are intimidated by the older members and its not on really. But to hand it to them they do share a lot of tips so hey ho.

Flower did u do my challenge? Not surprised if not cos fruit and veg is so expensive!
I need one of cleaning fairys, sick of housework!!!

Wouldn't mind if my group were like that Stacey, I'm not shy, I try to talk to people, not the most friendliest bunch but that doesn't bother me, not short on friends, but they're a miserable bunch, no tips or any of that, just the same moaners every week, its getting hard to sit there & listen. But think it may be the only morning class in the area, don't really fancy an evening weigh-in, obviously coz I weigh heavier by 7,30 at nite lol. I shall review the situation after me hollyboppers:D

Don't get me started on the price of fruit & veg, cheaper to fill the trolly fulla chocolate & crisps with all the offers on. I've been resisting buying family size bars of Cadburys Marvellous bars, dying to try them, but cadburys send me off on one, once I start I can't stop..........
Lol sounds like me with crisps i try not to eat them cos i know ill want loads. I spend loads when i buy all my veg its just frustrating cos the government are always moaning about obesity statistics yet they havnt really looked into the true prices of a weekly shop for families on little to modest income. Like u say its so much easier and cheaper filling the trolley with crap
Lol sounds like me with crisps i try not to eat them cos i know ill want loads. I spend loads when i buy all my veg its just frustrating cos the government are always moaning about obesity statistics yet they havnt really looked into the true prices of a weekly shop for families on little to modest income. Like u say its so much easier and cheaper filling the trolley with crap

I hear you Stacey, for example a box of grapes in our tesco is €2.99, now in the sweets aisle I can get 2 bags of mini bars for same price madness, tis no wonder people are fat.

I'm gonna try make homemade crisps later, have u tried them??I'll try anything once:D
Yeah but they arent syn free lol i was buzzing until my consultant told me they werent free. Better than normal crisps calorie wise though