This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

Yay! That's almost exactly what my microwave almond cakes come out like when I do them in the oven - yummy. I really like almond flavour in them, too. Makes it taste decadent! Your king cake looks fantastic. I bet separating the eggs makes it super light too.
Yes, it's really nice. Doesn't need cooking for 30 mins though. I took mine out after 20, but think it would be better with only 15. The almond and lemon flavours really compliment each other. It's a winner!
It's been a very constructive morning. Up at 0630, made the husband a shake for when he got in from his night shift, put washing on, had bath and got ready, put dishwasher cleaning thing in and on, made pizza quiche, went to shop for stuff I forgot yesterday. Having a coffee now, then walk dog in the rain.

Next jobs before mum texts to say that she and the removal men are on the M20 (not for at least another 7 hours, they haven't left Cornwall yet!) are to pack up all the stuff she's left here, get food, plates, cutlery etc together, tidy this house, go to her new one and make sure that's clean before she arrives.
Blimey! I'm tired just reading all of that! :eek::p Hope everything goes smoothly with the move :)

That was a lush-looking cake you made last night, btw - had me drooling over my keyboard! I'd love to do something like that but I just wouldn't dare to have a whole cake in the house because I know what I'm like: if it's too nice, I'd probably scoff the whole thing before it had even cooled down :( Cake was one of my worst binge triggers and I don't think that will ever change, sadly...:sigh:
Well it was always one of my triggers too, but strangely I find myself more controlled on this woe. It also helps that I'm never hungry, of course.

Sitting down with a coffee now. I've only just had a text to say they've left, so she's hours away yet.
Aww that's going to be so much better for her. I hope the day runs smoothly and as stress free as possible. Hope you're taking her some cake!

(Scrummie - I couldn't have a whole cake in the house either, but reduce the recipe to single portion size and you can have cracking cupcakes!)
Thank'ee. I thought about taking cake, but then thought it's probably something that we would all appreciate so much more because we're low carb. If you're not, I wonder how appealing a splenda baked cake would be?
I don't know, I've given my mum hermestas sweetened stuff before and it tastes like normal cake to her - but maybe she was being nice ;)