Thanks all xxxxx
It really means a lot.
Feel for you honey, really do, my brothers ex wife kept coming into Sainsburys and menacing me... I had to inform the manager who got security on to it... I got a restraining order in the end, would that be possible in your case? Xx
A restraining order, at the moment, isn't an option. Technically he hasn't broken the law, coming to me like that. I didn't report him to the police after he did what he did, partly because I didn't want my family knowing (which they still don't know) and partly because I knew that even with physical evidence, getting a guilty verdict was near-on impossible.
But at least security are aware of him now- so they can keep an eye out.
I did speak to a colleague- she was finishing just after the incident with him. So I closed the till off and took 5, went outside and had a chat with her, I did feel better. She had some understanding, her niece has been through something similar and apparently another colleague (who has left now) went through the same, and security were really good to her.
Thank god there are some good eggs at work, there are some genuinely nice ladies that I trust there, so I know if something happens, there will be someone there that I can rely on.
There was a guy in work who did something awful to me. He worked somewhere else but often got redeployed to where I worked, every time he came It use to leave me in such a mess for weeks. About a year ago he got sent to work there permanently and it turned me crazy. I had to leave as I had insomnia & horrendous panic attacks. The t***head genuinely has ruined the past three years of my life. I still occasionally see him. I pretend I don't care but really it tears me up inside. Well done for staying strong - I know how hard it must be. xx
oh hun :bighug: that is horrendous. I could not imagine having to work with him.I've only seen him a couple of times over the years, but it's mainly in passing, when i go over to town (which isn't often). For years I refused to go anywhere near the hostel where I lived, because I was petrified of bumping into him, and the flashbacks were horrid.
It has been 5 years now, I try and get on with my life as best I can- I stopped drinking and taking drugs (both I used to stop the emotional and physical pain) and, now, i'm losing weight and trying to develop a more positive self image (i have BDD so that is pretty damn hard to do!)
I can't let this b**tard win. He took away a bit part of me after he did what he did, there is no way he can take anything else!
Today's shift is going to be difficult- Because I'm going to constantly be on edge- I know this. But after I've got today's shift out of the way- I should (hopefully) be ok.
It's gonna be a long day!