Gold Member
We have a 48 year old lady who chooses to only wear pink and purple because they are her favourite colourd, the only things she doesn't mind not being pink or purple is her underwear and trousers but all tops, dresses, skirts, coats, bedding you name it is pink and purple and she picked it all!
See a Pink top with a black/navy/grey bottoms is fine and also adult. I'm not kidding she was wearing childs pink trousers, coat, and barbie pink Trainers!
Even within the choices some supervision is needed. One guy I worked with would 'choose' to only eat jelly babies! So that choice needs to be removed to give him a choice of more suitable foods.
Don't even get me started on the bobbles and hairclips. One girl I see is 21 and although her clothes are ok her hair is dressed in pigtails, kiddies hair bobbles etc.
Another man wear jogging bottoms all the time, they don't even fit well!
My guy had old fogey clothes when I first started working with him, he's got some lovely stuff now and he's often complimented on his clothes (which goes completely over his head bless him), he chooses NOT to choose which is fine! The only choices he will make is cakes (he gets a cake to have when we finish shopping) he always chooses Chocolate Éclairs, always! and he prefers fizzy drinks over still (he has carbonated water). However he will only drink tea if I make it, because I don't cool it with milk, he has it strong with a splash of milk cooled with cold water, he loves it. In the morning he has coffee (he likes those yucky latte/cappuccino/Mocha sachets) and a biscuit or a banana for elevenses but in the afternoon we have tea and cake (well he does we don't share his food, the company pay for tea and coffee though), not everyday obviously, if I do a long day we have afternoon tea, and if I do a morning we have elevenses.