Dear assistant manager,
I'm pretty sure the attitude you've taken towards me, my contract and my hours since I fell pregnant is illegal. If you can't provide my full hours or a safe risk free place to work you have to suspend me on full pay due to health and safety, I do not take kindly to being threatened with "you either cut you contracted hours, use holidays to cover it or we will sack you" just because it worked on another pregnant girl and she cut her contract doesn't mean it will work on me - play nice or I will sue the company my best friend is a solicitor who specialised in employment law!
Also no I will not work 24 hour shifts and do sleep ins when I am 7 and 8 months pregnant its obscene for you to expect that from me. As my employer you have to risk assess my hours and night shifts at the moment your not looking after the health of me or my unborn child!
I could already take you to court after I had a slipped disk from doing manual handling and

you hadn't given me manual handling training ... I wonder who would win!