Unthoughtful people!

Thanks shirleen - I've been drinking fennel tea (bleurgh!) & it seems to help a bit for him. I love my mum bless her but I just wish she'd address her own issues & let me help (her weight) instead of trying to get me off the wagon! X

Can I have another rant please?

Dear MIL

Yes you are a b1tch & hate is a strong word but who do you think you are coming in to my house & ignoring me for the first hour & then barely look at me the next until you leave?!?! You are rude beyond belief & it's not my fault all your children can't stand you, maybe if you weren't so poisonous & fricking rude more people might like you. But don't EVER come to MY house & ignore me. EVER.

Ahhhhhhhhh... that's better. :) x
Dear Thursday,
Why aren't you Friday? All day I have had to tell myself every hour that it's Thursday, and now when I'm all relaxed on the sofa I have to remind myself I am working tomorrow! Next week you can be Thursday all day, in fact what would be better is if you skipped Thursday this week and had a DOUBLE Thursday next week, that really would be ace because next week I have Thursday and Friday off!

Dear Saturday, Did you see the letter I sent Thursday? Well if you could make Saturday this week twice as long you can have the following Saturday off....yes???

Awaiting your answer
Shirl x
Dear Shirl

If you wait another couple of hours I will be


Thursday. (aka Friday.)
Thanks shirleen - I've been drinking fennel tea (bleurgh!) & it seems to help a bit for him. I love my mum bless her but I just wish she'd address her own issues & let me help (her weight) instead of trying to get me off the wagon! X

Can I have another rant please?

Dear MIL

Yes you are a b1tch & hate is a strong word but who do you think you are coming in to my house & ignoring me for the first hour & then barely look at me the next until you leave?!?! You are rude beyond belief & it's not my fault all your children can't stand you, maybe if you weren't so poisonous & fricking rude more people might like you. But don't EVER come to MY house & ignore me. EVER.

Ahhhhhhhhh... that's better. :) x

Your husband needs to tell her this! Seriously!
My FIL went through a stage of being horrible to me, so I told my husband and actually played down how he treated me. Next thing he'd gone to his parents and had a word to his Mum who told FIL off and everything was fine again!
Hubby is really good but he can't stand her & they are always arguing. 10 years & she's still the same! We'd happily cut her out but I won't be the one to stop her seeing her only grandchild. She doesn't know how lucky she is, hubby is ready to get rid! X
Dear colleague

STOP SNIFFING!!! Blow your sodding nose, youre turning my stomach :mad:
Dear science guys,

Hurry up and create a machine like in honey I shrunk the kids so I can shrink my dog back to puppy sized please. He was so cute and people posting pictures of there puppy on Facebook makes me want my mini cybi back :(


If you fail me I will just have to write to santa instead!
Dear twitching eye,

Can you please do one?! You've been twitching now for over a week, and I'm just about at the end of my tether. You're making me self-conscious as I'm convinced that everybody can see my eyelid twitching, and therefore assume that either I'm

a) trying to wink at them in a bid to flirt with them, or
b) I'm somewhat afflicted by uncontrollable tics!

I feel I've been far more tolerant of this affliction that I would normally be, but now I'm getting cross! Sian in a temper is not a pretty sight, so unless you want me to unleash the beast I'd advise you pack it in pronto!


The somewhat vexed person with the chronic twitch! :mad:
MissSlinky2011 said:
Dear science guys,

Hurry up and create a machine like in honey I shrunk the kids so I can shrink my dog back to puppy sized please. He was so cute and people posting pictures of there puppy on Facebook makes me want my mini cybi back :(

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26241"/>

If you fail me I will just have to write to santa instead!

Tell me about it! Mind you, my dog was a loon when she was a puppy, I could never go through it again!
Starlight said:
Dear Members of the Public

The organisation I work for is a police force. We employ police officers, you know those people in uniform and stripey cars who deal with crime.

We are not a one stop phone centre for you. If your street lights go out, phone the electricity board. Nor will we phone BT or anyother organisation for you because you don't want to use credit on your phone and you know 999 is free. If the roads are icy because it's the middle of winter drive carefully don't phone us and tell us. We already know, weve been out in it and you know what theres not much we can do about the weather. If you run out of money after a night out we are NOT a taxi service and will not give you a free lift home. Youre probably confused by the sign on the car roof. Ours says POLICE, you need one that says TAXI. If your child is unruly and answers you back cos you take their PS3 off them ground them don't expect us to do your parenting. And dont report them missing when you know fine well where the wee sod is but you cant be bothered getting off your lazy backside to get him and hes refusing to come back from his mates. Were not babysitters!

Please let us get on with the work we should be doing instead of dealing with your laziness

I used to love my job as a police officer!! So my dad texts me the other day saying he lives in a low crime area then texts me saying today there has been 16 armed robberies in 2 weeks there that I need to get my police uniform back! Hmm I told you didn't live in a low crime area!

Yes dad thank you for reminding me that I made the biggest mistake leaving. It was right at the time but now I miss it dearly! I will go back though when they recruit xx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
JezVonSavage said:
Tell me about it! Mind you, my dog was a loon when she was a puppy, I could never go through it again!

Cybi was great as a puppy (he couldn't jump so high back then and if he did run at you it had a quarter of the force it does now! Lol)

If I could shrink him but have him without the nipping I would be one happy mamma!

I miss the days where he wasn't so nimble on his feet and he would trip over himself it was so cute!

Now he's like this


We've had to get the garden completely redone after his "digging" faze!

But I love him to bits!

X x x

P.s he loves swingball! Lol
Digging...hmm, know that phase. I left mine outside a shop for 1 minute once and when I came out she'd dug up a council flower arrangement, it was bloody awful.


She's nice when she's asleep though.
Awww they are too cute JVS and MissSlinky2011! Xxx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
JezVonSavage said:
Digging...hmm, know that phase. I left mine outside a shop for 1 minute once and when I came out she'd dug up a council flower arrangement, it was bloody awful.

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26269"/>

She's nice when she's asleep though.

Aww she has a lovely cheeky face!

I never catch cybi sleeping only bouncing another positive for the shrinking plan!

X x x
Dear Friday
I refer you to Shirleens letter to Thursday. I'm bored with you already . I want a glass of wine and a night in with teh OH where I don't have to get up in the morning. Please hurry up

Dear men I work with
Its not my fault that we have only 20 parking spaces at the office and that the nearest other car park is 1/2 a mile away. Its also not my fault that HR Have decided that because we work in a fairly rough part of town, those spaces are reserved to the women of the company so they don't get, you know, attacked, on their way to our cars. Its not my fault i have breasts and that as a result I am entitled to one of those spaces.

Basically, dry your eyes and stop being such girls about it.

Yours, very happy she doesn't have to risk assult every time she walk to her car, KL

I don't know if this is going to work as it's off my phone... But check out this cutie :) this is my "nephew" Riley a golden doodle (golden retriever x poodle) hes hypoallergenic which means he's good for ppl with allergies as doesn't shed.... And also he's adorable!! And so obedient my sister really did a lot of wrk with him x this is him now...


kingleds said:
Dear Friday
I refer you to Shirleens letter to Thursday. I'm bored with you already . I want a glass of wine and a night in with teh OH where I don't have to get up in the morning. Please hurry up

Dear men I work with
Its not my fault that we have only 20 parking spaces at the office and that the nearest other car park is 1/2 a mile away. Its also not my fault that HR Have decided that because we work in a fairly rough part of town, those spaces are reserved to the women of the company so they don't get, you know, attacked, on their way to our cars. Its not my fault i have breasts and that as a result I am entitled to one of those spaces.

Basically, dry your eyes and stop being such girls about it.

Yours, very happy she doesn't have to risk assult every time she walk to her car, KL

LOL! Poor boys! Although... Is that allowed in today's PC crazy world? It should be mind.
dudette2001uk said:
Dear twitching eye,

Can you please do one?! You've been twitching now for over a week, and I'm just about at the end of my tether. You're making me self-conscious as I'm convinced that everybody can see my eyelid twitching, and therefore assume that either I'm

a) trying to wink at them in a bid to flirt with them, or
b) I'm somewhat afflicted by uncontrollable tics!

I feel I've been far more tolerant of this affliction that I would normally be, but now I'm getting cross! Sian in a temper is not a pretty sight, so unless you want me to unleash the beast I'd advise you pack it in pronto!


The somewhat vexed person with the chronic twitch! :mad:

I had this for two weeks! And then it just disappeared as quickly as it appeared in the first place! Hope yours will soon! I don't think it is as obvious as you think though - everyone has a twitchy eye sometimes, but I've never yet spotted one on someone else!

Can I have a rant?

Dear OH,

Doing some washing up in tepid water does not count as cleaning the kitchen. You also need to clean the sides down, especially if you've left days worth of food residue stuck to the tops!

You also need to clean the ceramic hob before using it, as all tgat food you've left on it keeps burning and leaving permanent marks! How many times do I need to explain this? I'm not being picky, but our landlord explicitly stated we have to leave the hob unmarked to get our deposit back.

And while we're on it: cleaning the bathroom includes the shower and ALL bits of the loo, not just the bowl!

And no, the absence of libido is not because I go to the gym but because you're too stingy to put the heating on, and eating dinner in ski gear and sleeping in woollen jumpers isn't sexy! (to be fair to him - we have only a tiny bit of heating oil left to last us until our delivery next week).

Dear Spring,

Please come soon? I am bored with Winter. Ta!
