Day 8.....
Day 8 is nearly over, and still feeling positive about the whole Exante experience but wondering what I may lose by Friday, have a feeling I will end up sts knowing my luck ha ha will see then!!
Had a lovely chilled day with the OH, been out shopping and then just chilling.
Big acheivement this morning, I sat in Mcdonalds with the Oh whilst he ate a Double Sausage and egg mcmuffin meal and I sat with a black coffee and to be honest I wasnt really bothered by it YAY.
I still have a feeling Im not in ketosis, I know you dont always go through hell, but I thought I would. I have found the last few days tho i have felt really uptight and emotional, but Im not sure if that is from deep upset from things that have happened or if thats how its affecting me with the diet ???!!!!????!!!??
Now chilling, watching my xfactor and relaxing lots.
Tomorrow, is cleaning and tidying and going to see the parents