Well I have completed a full week at the Theatre and can honestly say (at this minute in time) that I have certainly made the right choice!
I have worked over 50 hrs in the last 5 days and today was my day off! I had planned on chilling and sleeping as much as possible but it hasnt quite worked out that way, feel like I have been here,there and everywhere! but although it has been abit of a rish around day, I have spent it all with the OH and its been lovely
Turns out I may have tomorrow off too, as the full cast isnt in so planning on my chill day tomorrow

unless of course I am called in
My offer letter and contracts come through the post yesterday and I got so excited when I saw my name, the theatre and my job title 'Stage Technician' and when I say excited, I think a little dance and

arty0049:a huge grin springs to mind .... is that sad?!?!
As for my weight loss this week, I am very much over the moon

but have had a couple of dodgy eating days, I had planned a treat Friday and planned to be on packs saturday and today (but today have a mini roast consisting of veg and chicken)
Works out I had a treat Friday, and saturday, I was rushing out the door and forgot my bar for the day, so got some food and thought I wont count it and just not have the roast sunday, but as we were out most of today, I ate on the go and again wasnt good, so with tomorrow hopefully being a home day, I can sort that out as I dont want to go down that road again!!
So crossing fingers to having a motivated monday