Sore head and feeling FAT
Last night was quite good fun, but ended up going on my own, OH couldnt deal with the social aspect of the night, so I went on the minibus and ended up drinking!!
I had about 8 pints of fosters....I dont even drink beer!!! 4 whisky and diet cokes, Mc D's breakie, kfc, the meal out, 2 lemon muffins, and a packet of crisps, needless to say I have no doubt gained the world and in the process have a major sore headache and feel massively fat!
felt rough all day after last night, and had 4 hours sleep!
I am annoyed with myself, as when I do this, I know how crap it makes me feel and spend the majority of the time wondering why I did do it!!
Anyway, tomorrow is a new day, I know I wont be threatened by temptation, not for a week anyway

....although, I now dont have any plans on breaking unless its to have an omelette (my new secret love)
So, roll on tomorrow, so I can get back on plan, this feeling is SOOOO not worth the seconds of enjoyment whilst pigging and definately not worth the 5 or so hours of drinking and having a head like thunder!
Taking myself off to bed, to reflect on my stupidity and to sleeep....sleeeeeeeeep is very much needed now
Night lovelies