Stupid 3 days!!
Do I feel better for it....Definately not!!
Although I have eaten tons, I do not class this as a 'binge' binges go to the point I feel sick, which this hasnt happened this time, if I have felt full I have left food.
Met my friend this afternoon, and no, didnt notice my weight, but did have a lovely time

then was getting tagged in pics on facebook and I think I look huge, not great for boosting confidence to say the least.
Do I think, stuff it all??
Do I think, ok, not noticed, and pics look awful...can I change that...and of course ...yes I can!
So gonna stop moping, feeling sorry for myself, and stop the self loathing, and just deal with what I have and continue to try and improve it.
Life, does seem to throw obstacles, this weekend I let the obstacles knock me down.
Tomorrow, is a fresh day, I have hospital in the morning, and plan to go for a nice walk after, to get over the hospital, which I hate. Then in the afternoon I need to think about work and what to do, I need to continue my dream, and I need to work out how to go about it and earn money at the same time...