x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

and for giggles, this was me at the end of the night eeekkk


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aww bless you look lovely nee. hope you feel better tomorrow, good luck for being back on plan! xx
Not agreeing on the looking lovely part, Its upsetting to look at the pics and think god, I still look so huge :(

Need to sort this out!!!
you don't look huge, you look cute! love the rocky fringe look :D
I think you look really pretty nee!

Don't be so hard on your self! Just pick yourself up, take some nurofen, and get back into it....
For what its worth I think you looked great as well. And today is a new day so you've got the eating thing out of your system and can start afresh.
Bad day today....feeling grumpy...

Need sleep

Thats all....
Stupid 3 days!!

Do I feel better for it....Definately not!!

Although I have eaten tons, I do not class this as a 'binge'....my binges go to the point I feel sick, which this hasnt happened this time, if I have felt full I have left food.

Met my friend this afternoon, and no, didnt notice my weight, but did have a lovely time :) then was getting tagged in pics on facebook and I think I look huge, not great for boosting confidence to say the least.


Do I think, stuff it all??

Do I think, ok, not noticed, and pics look awful...can I change that...and of course ...yes I can!

So gonna stop moping, feeling sorry for myself, and stop the self loathing, and just deal with what I have and continue to try and improve it.

Life, does seem to throw obstacles, this weekend I let the obstacles knock me down.

Tomorrow, is a fresh day, I have hospital in the morning, and plan to go for a nice walk after, to get over the hospital, which I hate. Then in the afternoon I need to think about work and what to do, I need to continue my dream, and I need to work out how to go about it and earn money at the same time...
Had you are sounding positive...
Hope the hospital isn't for anything serious...

And good luck trying to figure all of it out...

What is your dream? (if you don't mind me asking)
Had you are sounding positive...
Hope the hospital isn't for anything serious...

And good luck trying to figure all of it out...

What is your dream? (if you don't mind me asking)

Thanks Kes :) I need positive thoughts...so send me extra ones if you have any :D

Hopital isnt serious, its more a personal issue, that I hate dealing with, and the thought of going this morning makes me feel kinda sick eeeek!!

My dreams are all in the theatre :) (techie) In some ways I have gambled alot these last 2 yrs to get back into it all, and now I have managed to get work in it, I need to make sure I carry on, but I also need a stable income as OH isnt working :(

So need to try and work out some creative work along with some normal work :D

Scales absolutely shocking this morning, so no choice but to be good hee hee
aww that sounds like you are being very sensible and making sure you are able to still follow your dreams, well done nee...

forget the scales, and make sure that you push yourself harder than before!! i can not believe that i got on the scales this morning, and i lost 7.5lbs!!! half a flipping stone! so it just shows me that with pure determination i can do this!!!!!!
and you can too!!!! i know you can...
Thank you Kes, Im sure Ill be fine getting back on today, so long as I can ignore my hunger hee hee

How great is your loss, absolutely brill hun

Look how far you have already come Nee. When your sister gets her wedding photos back you won't be thinking that you look huge, you'll be thinking how amazingly well you have done and how fab you look.
Been an interesting day.

I didnt make it to the hospital, I was in tears this morning, worrying about going so in the end I called to say how I was feeling, the doctor called me back and talked to me and is going to rearrange my appointment!

Had some breakfast and then decided to be arty and start my canvas, which I am liking the look of so far, but still a little way to go.

Having a pizza tonight...oops, I know I have been saying to get back on plan, but I had forgot its V day and me and OH had said we would have a meal (pizza not quite what I was thinking but yummy all the same)

Tomorrow will be the day I am good though, and thats without a doubt. Not actually enjoying eating, more eating for the sake of eating if that makes sense, so tomorrow will hopefully be nice to get back on it :)

Me and OH have already planned to get up and go for a nice walk with the dogs then come back, cool down and then do an exercise dvd together ...could be fun :D
Its a new day.... arse kicking due and refocus!!

Well after Friday through till yesterday, I am bored of eating the bad stuff, Although I have enjoyed parts of it, I found alot of it sickly and made me feel more ill ha ha Who would have thought, the one thing that tends to put us where we are is the one thing I cant enjoy for too long anymore...Suprisingly a fab feeling :D

Had a really lovely V day, and OH and I had a brief but vital conversation, which could make a difference to alot of things.

Today its back to the plan, the thought of food doesnt tempt me in the slightest (at the moment anyway, just need to keep it up now)

Here is to a good day... Operation princess ...recommences :princess:
yay, i can't wait to see the pics of lovely princess nee in summer :D
Need to stay on track now as much as possible, I still have such a good chance to get to 13 stone by then...
yes you do my lovely. you can do this! imagine how nice it'll be to have a more slender summer :D
Do you know what, It would be amazing to actually put some clothes on (that fit properly) and not have any embarresment!

How amazing would that feel!!