x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

I'm with you too Nee (from tomorrow, lol). I've gone completely to pot recently and need to get back on track before I regain all the weight I've lost.
Hey you!! I was away most of the last 4 weeks so haven't been dieting or posting. Sorry sweetie. Just had 2 weeks in Italy where I was pleased not to put weight on. Although I ate a lot of pizza I tended to only eat twice a day and then walk my legs off sightseeing. I drank a fair amount but I wasn't that surprised to find I'd kept my weight stable. BUT I had put on half a stone before I went so its not as good as it sounds. My stomach was bad while I was gone so I'm back on my reflux diet and I must confess over first couple of days it does feel better. But I could never have stuck to it in Italy.

Reading your posts I love the fact you keep picking yourself up and trying again - its brilliant that you don't give up. I think that you can make a difference over the next 3 weeks so you should stick with it. I'll try to be around a bit more for support so let us know how you're doing. Good luck hun bun. xx
I'm in for being angelically good for the next few weeks, it's my birthday on the 29th!! xx

Whoop :D

I'm in too, Nee! (Amazingly, I already have six angelic days behind me-go figure!)

Coolio...let this challenge commence!

I'm with you too Nee (from tomorrow, lol). I've gone completely to pot recently and need to get back on track before I regain all the weight I've lost.

Yay Another to get this going, we can do this ladies :D

Hey you!! I was away most of the last 4 weeks so haven't been dieting or posting. Sorry sweetie. Just had 2 weeks in Italy where I was pleased not to put weight on. Although I ate a lot of pizza I tended to only eat twice a day and then walk my legs off sightseeing. I drank a fair amount but I wasn't that surprised to find I'd kept my weight stable. BUT I had put on half a stone before I went so its not as good as it sounds. My stomach was bad while I was gone so I'm back on my reflux diet and I must confess over first couple of days it does feel better. But I could never have stuck to it in Italy.

Reading your posts I love the fact you keep picking yourself up and trying again - its brilliant that you don't give up. I think that you can make a difference over the next 3 weeks so you should stick with it. I'll try to be around a bit more for support so let us know how you're doing. Good luck hun bun. xx

Hey Jud,

Sounds like you are really keeping control, well done..thats so great, keep it up hun :D

Yep, I keep failng then picking back up again, wonder if this will be my cycle for life!?



To be honest, I have been bloody good yet the scales arent working in my favor at all :(

I went spinning on friday...yep it killed, I struggled and sweated but I maintained motion at least throughout the session, Saturday chilled, mowed the lawns and did house work, Yesterday I went to the gym for an hour, and again, pushed myself, sweated lots and came back feeling somewhat stiff.

Time of the month has kindly arrived also...thanks ;)

Weighed this morning and was 17.4lbs! Meaning I have lost 1lb...crap!!

Must try harder, thinking I might still be eating too much so gonna start curbing my portion sizes and try and get more MRP in :D

A pound is a pound is a pound. And it is more likely to be gone for good than starving to lose 6lbs and then regaining it all after a glass of water.

Like you, I'm currently doing something that is more like food replacement than a normal diet as what I can eat is almost the same every day and pretty restrictive because of the whole Acid Reflux thingy. I'm not exactly dieting in that I am trying to eat if I'm hungry but trying to stick to small portions more often. E.g. a typical day might be the following "meals" spread at fairly regular intervals:

porridge and fruit (probably best meal of the day now strawberries are here)
an Alpro milkshake
3 x eggwhite omelette with goats cheese (and maybe peppers or mushrooms) and a slice of bread (but I do feel guilty throwing out all those egg yolks)
a banana
turkey mince with veg served with potato and carrot mash (about 4oz of turkey and 6 oz of potato total)

And if I'm really struggling before bed I might have a slice of toast or a couple of rice cakes with goats cheese.

Unfortunately this gets really repetitive as its often only the main meal that changes and not always that. But I have enough "small meal" units that I'll have an extra one if I'm hungry. Also a banana and a milkshake are easy to stick in my bag if I'm out and about and together they're pretty filling. For me any diet that says I can "eat until I;m full" or "eat as much fruit and veg as I like" are doomed. I'm sure these scientists don't realise how much I can eat!!!

Good on you for the exercise - I've restarted that as well and have just had 20 mins of Jeremy Kyle on the exercise bike. (Me on the bike, not him, silly.) Should we have a challenge to each do a minimum of 4 x 20 mins per week? Or maybe minimum of 2 hours in total?? Come on, Nix, last big push for the princess dress. xx
Hey judith, Im always up for a challenge :D your eating plan sounds far more exciting than mine hee hee :D

Weighed this morning and 17.1, so now 4lbs down, which makes me happier, but still too annoying off my lowest so far, what an idiot I am!!! Oh well, at least Im trying again now!!

Chilling tonight then got Aqua tomorrow, but if still too heavy on TOTM Im just gonna do a gym session instead so Im still working out, was tempted to gym it tonight too, but supposed to be going to a friends tonight, and will need to have tme for a shower etc...we shall see!

Was good with food yesterday, actually was my best day I think, I even put the idea of having an Indian in my head but still ignored it and didnt want to order!!

16 days left till the end of the month!! :(
Ooohhhh nee did spin class... have I inspired someone else lol.....

You could also be adding muscle weight, so please don't be disheartened with a small loss or even a gain this week.... its because your muscles are gonna hold more water....
Keep it up girl. 4lbs is great. xx
Wooop 4lbs is fab hunny! Keep at it and it will go!

hope ur well hunny
Went gym again last night, not for too long did around 30-40 mins, rest tonight and watch the apprentice then will try and go again tomorrow :D
I was due to go to Zumba last night but had some upsetting news and didn't feel like dancing one little bit (and no, this really wasn't an excuse as I like going). News made me feel a bit like a drink but oddly not like stuffing my face. Didn't do either. Next few weeks are going to be tough. Will tell you more when I know more (maybe by pm).

Glad you are sticking with it - I just know you're going to have a good couple of weeks. xx
Hello hunny!

Well done on going to the gym! hope ur well hunny

I was due to go to Zumba last night but had some upsetting news and didn't feel like dancing one little bit (and no, this really wasn't an excuse as I like going). News made me feel a bit like a drink but oddly not like stuffing my face. Didn't do either. Next few weeks are going to be tough. Will tell you more when I know more (maybe by pm).

Glad you are sticking with it - I just know you're going to have a good couple of weeks. xx

Hope your ok hun :(

Pm me if you wanna talk ill be here xxxx

and well done for not eating or drinking xx


Met with the college yesterday about a placement eeek exciting, I loved it there and also loved the person I met, she was fab :)

Just got to wait now!!!

Food wise, been ok, not lost nor gained annoyingly!!!

And guess what.... the bridesmaid dress is in...and Im being fitted on Sunday :cry: so angry at myself but hopefully it will still give me time to lose more, this is going to stop me now :D

x Nee x said:
Hope your ok hun :(

Pm me if you wanna talk ill be here xxxx

and well done for not eating or drinking xx


Met with the college yesterday about a placement eeek exciting, I loved it there and also loved the person I met, she was fab :)

Just got to wait now!!!

Food wise, been ok, not lost nor gained annoyingly!!!

And guess what.... the bridesmaid dress is in...and Im being fitted on Sunday :cry: so angry at myself but hopefully it will still give me time to lose more, this is going to stop me now :D


Spinning is so hard, well done on keeping motion. And congrats on your loss. Hope everything goes well at the fitting xx
ooo whats the placement about :D xx
Have been terrible for a week and gained 5lb. Started with the french market on saturday and got worse. Back on track now though and going for SoW next week!

Hope all goes well on sunday for you :D x
ooo whats the placement about :D xx

Teaching hun, I have to get so many teaching hours each year and Im hoping I have got a placement now :D

Spinning is so hard, well done on keeping motion. And congrats on your loss. Hope everything goes well at the fitting xx

Thanks hun, keep your fingers crossed xx

Have been terrible for a week and gained 5lb. Started with the french market on saturday and got worse. Back on track now though and going for SoW next week!

Hope all goes well on sunday for you :D x

Ahh just keep trying, and good luck for SOW :)

and Thanks will keep you all informed after the fitting eeek!!

Bridesmaid dress fitting

Yay...it fit :D

I still need to lose some weight to make it fit nicer but Im so pleased that it fit woo hoo

Here is a pic for you all :)


  • Niki in Bridesmaid dress.jpg
    Niki in Bridesmaid dress.jpg
    93.5 KB · Views: 66
Nee that pic made me say "aww" out loud to myself, you look absolutely stunning, really really beautiful, that really is a good colour on you.... If I was the bride I'd be thinking of ways to make sure you don't stand out too much in all the pics, lol!!! x
beautiful lady in a beautiful dress :)