Eating right to be slimbysummer


Maddys cupcakes - too hard to resist x
Ask Maddy if I can have one please? She is a very clever girl :)

She loves baking but I've not let her for ages as its too much temptation lol. X
Mon 24th June - feeling better but still very congested. 4 days left on steroids so hope they kick in soon.


Hot water with lemon
2 egg omelette, red pepper, mushrooms + bit Parmesan (1/2 hex a) + cherry toms

1hr Pilate's

Ww pitta (hex b), chili houmous, ham, cherry tom + fresh watercress
Gym protein bar (11 syns)

Some of mark + maddys pasta (has bit of cheese and sauce on it but didn't have lots)
Plain pasta

After wi
Small amount of plain cooked pasta with tiny amount primula light (1/2 hex a)
Lots of 0% total, sweetener, strawberries + meringue (2.5 syns)

Total 13.5 syns
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Dreading weigh in. Feel heavy!!!
Tummy been bloated constantly since went on the steroids and Ive been soooo hungry this week. Eaten free foods but lots of them so can't imagine how Ive lost.
Can't believe it I lost 3lb I'm gobsmaked, happy but amazed.
Now 10st 13lb so only need 1/2lb next wk to be back to where I was b4 the holidays.
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Last Tuesdays eats were:

QUOTE="Slimbysummer;6479884"]Tue 19th June - red day

Hot water with lemon
2 eggs scrambled
2 ryvita (hex b)
3 cherry toms

Lg red apple

1.45pm Hm bolognaise (el mince, onions, peppers, mushrooms, el bacon, chopped toms)
with Salad (lettuce, toms)
Light ceasar salad dressing (1/2 syn)

5.30pm Strawberries, choc cake (2 syns - egg, options choc), fat free natural yoghurt + sweetner

8.45pm salad (lettuce, cucumber, toms) with lots of prawns, chili hummus (2 level tbsp = 4 Syns), olives (8 = 1 syn)
Parmesan cheese (hex a)
Meringue nest (2.5 syns) + strawberries, Rachel's fat free nat yog

Total 10 syns

As had such good loss last wk I might try and eat exactly same and see what happens :)
Tue 25th June - red day

Hot water with lemon
2 eggs scrambled
2 ryvita (hex b)
3 cherry toms

11.30am Lg red apple

12.45 - Hm bolognaise (el mince, onions, peppers, mushrooms, el bacon, chopped toms)
with Salad (lettuce, toms)
Light ceasar salad dressing (1/2 syn)

2pm - raspberries + 0% total + choc cake (options - 2 syns + egg)

8.45pm - salad (lettuce, cucumber, toms) with lots of prawns, chili hummus (2 level tbsp = 4 Syns), olives (8 = 1 syn)
Parmesan cheese (hex a)

0% total, sweetner, raspberries + meringue nest (2.5 syns)

Total 10 syns

Just realised only had 1 hex a+b (didn't last tue either) and still peckish so having a hifi bar (hex b)
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As had such good loss last wk I might try and eat exactly same and see what happens :)

Just realized I can't as had 3 melons cause they were only 30p each - can't afford 3 full price lol. And have got no chicken breasts in freezer.
But will stick with doing some red + green days (did 4 last wk) and hope I still get nice loss.

Need 1lb to get my club 10 award + 5lb to get 1.5 stone award (but that'll take me a few wks)
Wed 26th June - early start as had 8.30 appointment at Maddys school to discuss couple of issues (had 2 sleepless nights stressing so be glad when its ova + done with)

Food wise...... EE

Hot water with lemon
Lg red apple

Wm bread (hex b), baked beans, 40g primula light (1/2 hex a)

Snack - lg Raw carrot

Spag bol (peppers, mushrooms, onions, chopped tom's)
15g parmesan (1/2 hex a)
Salad cream (1 syn)
Lemon muller Greek yog (1/2 syn)

strawberries + 0% total, sweetner + meringue nest (2.5 syns)

French fries (4 syns)
25g Primula light (2 syns)
Pickled onions

Total 10 syns
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Hope everything is ok with Maddy xx

Thanks hun. She's ok - seems much better today.
We've been looking into the fact that she may have dyspraxia because there are numerous things she really struggles with, one being writing. Preliminary tests are pointing to that, but got to wait for proper testing/assesments which takes weeks. Didn't mind this, and she was managing but this week they found out which classes they were going into next term and her teacher told the whole class they were all staying together as so clever - it then came out that Maddy was the only person in the class moving.
She came home on Monday night & broke her heart - asking us if she was being punished for being different. she told me she feels like she's rubbish & can't do anything. She cried solidly for 5 hrs and i just held her while trying not to cry too.
So i've been into school & they've explained what support they want to give her academically (apparently very brainy but just cant get it on paper presumably because of the dyspraxia) - but i wanted to know what they going to do to support her emotionally etc.
Anyway think i've sorted it & i came away feeling like they had listen to what i was saying and they promised to support her and show her how good a move to another class will be for her. So lets just hope they follow through.

Have to say 2 sleepless nights worrying about her has absolutely drained me. Felt hormonal, emotional anyway so this just made it worse.
But hay, hopefully sorted so hopefully will sleep tonight.

Its hard being a parent sometimes eh! You love them so much & yet the world is so stressful for them at times.

Have to ask - Hows Rosie? Did brill on her oral exam. x
Thur 27thJune

Woke up starving!!!! Not sure if its the steroids (which haven't cleared my chest) but been soooo hungry this wk. Busy day ahead as Maddy off school (teachers striking) so opticians, hair cut (Maddys not mine) etc

Hot water with lemon
Bacon, egg on wm bun (hex b)
Mushrooms, butterbud (1/2 syn)

Left ova chicken + mushroom pasta in fridge (originally had sauce on it but seems dry so saying syn free)

Iceland hoisin duck skewers
Sweet potato + butter bud (1 syns)
Lots of Salad (lettuce + toms)
Raspberries, Marshmellows fluff (2 syns) + squirty cream (2 syns)

Cup of tea (1.5 syns)
Pickled onions + ham + 40g light cheese (hex a)
0% total + sweetner + 1/2 peanut hifi bar (3 syns) + banana

Total 10 syns
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What is it with Schools and they way children are made to feel? So wrong! Poor little Maddy xx I know exactly what you are going through and I'm here for you xx

What's going on with you then hun? You've been constantly poorly for months - have they run some blood tests?

Anyway, enjoy your girly day with Maddy!

I'm off to the doc with Rosie tomorrow - she's a little anxious but is up for it - finally facing the demons!