JanD (Another) New Year (Another) New Start :o)) x

Thanks Molly ... I'm not naive enough to think that's ever going to happen though!Lol! I'm not spending a holiday feeling deprived ... if I feel like making the very best choices obviously I will but I'm not going to make myself miserable over it - I'll just take it as it comes and do lots of walking .. it's only a week.

I've not weighed yet. It was my weekend on when, after sleeping on a monday I prefer not to get weighed in the evening when I get up - so I'll do it tomorrow. :) x
Lost 2lbs :) (dunno how ;)) xx
Ah yay! Well done :) xx
Excellent Jan well done!x x
Great result Jan! Just the little boost you needed!
Fab well done Jan x
2 bad days, one good day up to now this week!

Had to stay up today and take Mum for a doctors and then a hospital appointment. After her eye injection :)(!) we went to the cafe & she really wanted me to get something to eat (I've said before what she's like for that). It was too late for them still to be serving bacon or I might have had something! As it was I didn't fancy any of the meals - I picked up a cake thing and put it back ... I actually couldn't see anything that I fancied so we went home. It MIGHT have had something to do with how tired I was ... as in 'can't even be bothered eating' - I don't know. I only got 4.5 hrs sleep & actually forgot to have anything till nearly 9pm tonight. I just hope I can last the night at work!
I was a bit p'd off with my sister (just for a change) ... they're over from Cyprusw for a couple of weeks & I specifically asked her if they'd be in this afternoon as Mum needs an eye keeping on her after these jabs in her eye. She assured me they would be. We got back - they were out, despite me having let them know when we were leaving the hosp. I had to wait nearly an hour for them to get back. THEN - mentioned this in passing to my son this evening and he said that his nan (Mum) had rung him this afternoon and she was on her own then .... words fail me - her concern is touching - the one time she could have been slightly useful ...... ***BIG SIGH!!!!***

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe ;) xx
Yay for not having anything :)

How is your mum now?
I hope she wasn't on her own for too long, couldn't have been nice for her xxx
I think she's okay ta. I rang her this evening but she didn't say anything about having been left, well she wouldn't :(

I think my (slight) lack of appetite may be due to feeling a bit 'coldie' ... you know - raw throat, a bit bunged up, a bit headachey .... I've dosed myself up with echinacea today - another day or so of that should see it off ok ... I hope!! Mind you - having said that - I don't mind the lack of appetite in the least!! Not that it necessarily stops me eating you understand - it just lessens the urges! Lol! x
Who'd have sisters eh Jan!! I'm with you on that one. Hope your mum was OK after her appointment, it never sounds pleasant!!
I often wish my sister didn't bother coming over! She's about as much use as a chocolate teapot - in fact she causes more disruption than anything!

Mum's fine, thanks for asking.

I've been shocking again ... don't know what's up with me - I really want to get Malta over and done with now! xx
How long till Malta? Take it DH still doesnt know?
Don't be so hard on yourself woman! xxx
LOL! Tell that to my tight clothes ;)!!

We go a week on tuesday - no he still doesn't know. I'm telling him when we're all out for a meal next friday tea time (doing tea time coz of the little ones) xx
Exciting!!!!!!!! :) xx
He'd better be thrilled to bits or I'll be taking someone else!! ;) xx
Hi Jan!! -and the rest of the girlies that I know :)
Just thought I'd drop by and see how you are all doing - glad to see you're keeping up the good work!
I've had a bit of a slip up ;) good excuse though as I have had a baby boy. He's 5 months old now and gorgeous. I have a stone to lose to get back to pre pregnancy weight so nothing disastrous. Hope you are all keeping well girls xx
Hiya Jayne :D I've replied to you in your thread :)

I've been slacking again about coming on here. Fact is I didn't even get my laptop out of it's case in between finishing work on saturday morning and starting again tonight. I just don't seem to have had much time. I've checked the threads on my phone but I can't see them properly and rarely post anything from it.

I'm really really struggling foodwise - totally unable to stick to any sort of regime. I haven't dared get weighed! It's so bad I think once I've done the 'reveal' on friday night I'll have to try on the stuff I've packed. Some of the fitted stuff is going to have to come out in favour of looser things and I doubt if I'll have a pair of shorts that'll fit me. Still .. there's absolutely no point in beating myself up. It's here, it's what it is and I'll just make the best of it. I'll just cross my fingers that when we come back I'll find the mojo that's been eluding me since ... well since Christmas really but more seriously since the Maldives!! If anyone finds it could they please post it back so it's here when i get back ....

.... Ta ;) xx
Some mojo coming your way for when you get back from your holiday!