JanD (Another) New Year (Another) New Start :o)) x

You know better than to beat yourself up over this. You always get back on track. Just get back on the old wagon and keep at it. Hope you enjoyed the drinkies!! No fun otherwise!
Thanks guys - much appreciated :)

Flippin' awful day today ... eldest grandson had to go into hospital late last night he was weeing gungy bloody stuff so the younger one got carted here half asleep & we saw him to and from school etc and I went up to the hospital for the morning. Cut a long story short he's got something wrong with his bladder whereby it's not emptying properly. Apparently when this happens the bladder makes lots of mucus and the walls become irritated. There's no treatment apart from pain relief and it usually lasts about 6 weeks. He's home now but has to go back if it gets that bad again. When they were leaving here just now the pain was back - though not as bad so I'm half expecting another little visitor later though obviously i hope not!

I went to art this afternoon but didn't stay the whole time. I was too tired and my heart wasn't in it.

Food's been fine but I AM having a couple of V&Cs (again! ;)) I think half my trouble this week is that I'm off work so feeling a twinge of a sort of holiday mode ... I was fine last week!! xx
Awww poor grandson! That must be such a horrible feeling. Hopefully it clears up asap!

Ohhhh blasted holiday mode! I get that too when on annual leave from work. Its silly isnt it! :giggle: Enjoy your V&C's and have one for me!

Have you heard much from Mary lately? xxx
I emailed her and got a reply ... Think she's just having a break :) xx
Your poor grandson Jan! Hope it clears up really soon for him, sounds awful.
How's grandson doing now Jan?x
Thanks for asking Tan .. He's getting the pain in fits and starts. He's off school but will be able to go back when he's got prescribed painrelief rather than bought. Staff can only give him that!

Ive been dreadful :( don't know if I'll weigh in the morning. Best i can hope for is a sts & that's a big hope! **sigh** xx
Weigh yourself get an idea. You might be pleasantly surprised. You don't have to record it if you dont want :)

Why can staff only give him prescribed pain relief? hope he gets some soon then xx
Life always throws a curve ball when you least expect. The stress of your poorly grandson must be awful.
I'd weigh tomorrow anyway. Face your demons Jan, is my approach. You never know it may not be as bad as you think. Even if it is, then it will give you the incentive you need.
Take care.
Yeah I probably will - thanks guys :)

Tan - I guess it's yet another 'covering our backs' thing. Everything has to be 'authorised'!! :-/ xx
Hope grandson's feeling better soon Jan, poor little fella!

Good luck with weigh in, I bet it's nowhere near as bad as you think it will be!
Up 1.4lbs :( x
That's not as bad as it might have been. How are you doing foodwise this week? Are you finding your mojo yet?
Hope all is well with your grandson.
Fine today thanks Molly - just except for a few 'tastes' of slow cooked pork casserole ... well had to make sure it was ok! ;)

Grandson doing ok thanks - back to school tomorrow as he has his prescription meds :) x
Good news day all round. Hope tomorrow is as good.
Ah that 1.4lb is ok. How have you been since weigh in? Is grandson ok now with the prescription meds?xx
Oh Wow - can't believe I haven't posted for 4 days! ....

Grandson not too bad ta ... still gets bouts of pain but the meds deal with it. He's better than he was - thanks :)

I've been shocking (AGAIN!!) I very much doubt I'll even have a sts this week again :( - at this rate I'll have to be repacking my case for Malta with looser clothes - actually I may have to buy some bigger shorts and I really don't want to do that! Only just over 2 weeks till we go now ... I could kick myself I really could! I'm going to do LOADS of walking while John's diving on this holiday ... I couldn't do it in The Maldives coz there was nowhere to go. This time I'm not going to spend so much time on my ass!! I'm back at work now so maybe that'll help x
I always find it easier to be better food wise when I'm at work.. I wouldn't worry about it 2 much Jan otherwise it will take away the excitement of the holiday.. Walking sounds like a good plan :)
Jan, just do your best between now and when you go. Ok, you won't be at your ideal weight. Aim to come home no heavier than you are now. That will be a positive outcome and will make you feel you have achieved something iykwim. Who knows, if you get to do loads of walking you may come home lighter.
I'm glad your grandson is improving a bit. Have a good day.