Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Oh im sure they will :)
oh can i have a pic of your fridge again after mr tesco delivers?
i was trying to get home delivery this week but all spots gone on tesco and sainsburys!
oh can i have a pic of your fridge again after mr tesco delivers?

As soon as I get my iPhone back, hun, will do :)

Just hurt my ankle again grrr, had to put the rubbish out (pongy) and slipped on some ice. Mr Tesco brought everything into my kitchen bless him, and said he tore his ligaments last year and it took two months to get better :eek:
omg Sus - thats awful :( have you not gone your phone back yet?
Clever, eh? Just when I was on the mend - but the rubbish REALLY had to go out. One of the things about Atkins is when meat goes off, it really smells :( I also need to get a new frypan, the other one has taken a hammering over the last few months :)

The phone is due back tomorrow, they have had to put a new motherboard in - so effectively a new phone. Then hours to back it up again...but I have missed it terribly!
:( oh bugger. have you got some strapping for your ankle?
when is next interview?
sus my love are you going to be able to manage?
Yeah hun I'll be fine - the bus to Brixton is around the corner, and I'll take it slowly (no other way LOL). Anyway, it has to be done :)

Am floating on air at the mo - got a little refund from Revenue and Customs, totally unexpected! And a Christmas present from my bezzie mate in NZ - woohoo!
oh thats fab!!!!! see..things can only get better ;)
Wooo Hooo on the refund and the pressie - boo sucks to doing the ankle again! Good luck for tomorrow - everything crossed for you xxxx
best of luck tomorrow. and be careful on your feet!
Poor Susie - rotten luck doing the ankle in again! But woo hoo for the tax refund - be sure to buy yourself something fab! :D

Best of luck for tomorrow's interview, hopefully they'll remember to turn up. ;) Did you hear anythng more about the other (better) job since?

And deffo agree on the frying pan thing - ours is knackered, having lasted the previous 10 years with no problems. Thinking of buying a lovely posh one in the sales, in the hopes that it'll take the heat better! :D
Morning all

Just popping in quickly to say hi, off to have a wake up cup of tea and get ready. Thx for all your kind wishes, you are a lovely, supportive lot :D

Will catch up when I get home this afternoon :)
morning hon - best of luck today. please let us know how it goes - plus hope you got there safely!!

frying pan - i got a cheap one from morrisons its fab! dont even need oil (but of course i use it ;) )
Thx all

Back home and I am knackered! Walking around a bit really was pretty painful - but I got there, so that's the main thinbg. Interview went fine, they know I can do the job standing on my head, so will just have to see - will probably hear Thursday :)

I am now going to feed my face, as I missed breakfast and lunch! :)