Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Thx hun, but I am becoming quite patient in my old age....funny thing was, after the interview I ran into someone I knew, who offered me a media job in Jan - so one way or another, I should be back in the comforting arms of the employed woohoo :D
Ah that's fab Susie! Out late but I nipped online just to see if you had any news. :)
Thats excellent chick. xx
Afternoon all

I've just got out of bed :eek:. Woke up early, had breakfast and cups of tea, lay down to read my book and off I went again...

Hope you're all having a laid back Sunday too! :D
I dream of days like that! Then I wake up and remember I have children, LOL. ;)

Sounds like a fab day - best to get plenty of rest in now susie, you're off back to the ranks of the gainfully employed soon petal. :wave_cry:
best to get plenty of rest in now susie, you're off back to the ranks of the gainfully employed soon petal. :wave_cry:

LOL I know, I'm like Maggie Smith's character in Downton Abbey - "What is a weekend?" she puzzled once :D. Might need to buy a few alarm clocks and hide them round the house :D
Isn't that your usual day then WW :D:p

Flutter you are SOOOOO funny! :D

LOL I know, I'm like Maggie Smith's character in Downton Abbey - "What is a weekend?" she puzzled once :D. Might need to buy a few alarm clocks and hide them round the house :D

Nah - better just to have one and ignore it Suze - that way you have a good excuse when work phones you at ten past nine to see where you are. It's amazing how imaginative one can be under pressure. :eek:
LOL I had a friend who went out partying on a schoolnight, slept through the alarm and then rang them to say she'd broken her leg :eek: - and got found out, of course :D
OK, that's a LOT more imaginative than I was imagining Susie, LOL. :D
Morning Susie love, exciting news then. :)
Oh good luck Lady S ..... I'm not sure what for can hardly keep track of my own life now trying to keep up with all you lot!
Only thing is your lives are much more exciting than mine :D.

Off to Boogie Babies with the girls speak later xx
Still no news - which doesn't necessarily mean bad news - but I'm jumping every time the phone rings :)

But, good news - the Christmas tree is up and decorated ta da!!! It's got blue, silver and red balls and lots of little wooden angels and christmas figures. Will take a pic whenever I get my phone back...

One more big job to do today - set up my home printer and start on the accounts :(
Oh yes pic soon. OOh i might start ringing you and then hanging up LOL!!!!! sorry no i wouldnt do that!

oh accounts = boo!!!!!!!!
you got your xmas shopping slot booked yet? asda cancelled my delivery last week due to weather (it was fine apart from side roads) so i doubt my delivery will turn up this week either. BUT at least ive printed off shopping list so if it doesnt ill go striaght there after work and go get my goodies :D WHICH i hasten to add doesnt have anything at all non atkins friendly ;) (apart from the dog food ;) )