Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

oh fingers and paws crossed xxx
I have everything crossed too. x
Lol thats what we are here for!
Yay! Would be even better if it was a promise of a job to start straight after the new year when your ankle has fully healed :)

That's if Susie gets through Christmas injury free ;)
oh! be careful. maybe i should have sent you bubble wrap to protect yourself.
OK here's the real truth - the cat (Shirley, sweet but v timid) crept under my bed then flew out again, I saw a flash of fur out of the corner of my eye and thought it was a fox (we have real trouble with them here), panicked and slipped on a sock on the floor. Ker-ash....

Didn't want to say how bad it was, because you've all been so sweet about all my other woes, but didn't just hurt my ankle, I cracked a rib and pulled some muscles in my back - and the limping has put all the weight on my left hip, which isn't very happy.

The reason I've been sleeping in so much is that I've been a bit drugged up - but this evening am trying a new analgesic - gin! :)

I've decided not to go to Cologne and just rest up and then I'll be fighting fit for Christmas and beyonnnnddddd :)
I know - but like I said earlier, I'm boring myself with all theese sheeeete problems, and don't want to bore you.

Anyway, there's a small part of me that wants you to see me as a sophisticated, gorgeous and witty person :cool: - not a fox fearing, unemployed invalid LOL :eek:
Oh Susie - you're making me sad that you put up with all that pain and didn't tell us. :( Poor munchkin. I think you may have hit on something with the gin though - do report back on your progress throughout the evening.

PMSL at the fox-fearing invalid though - that tickled me that did!
Susie - silly sausage!!!! You make us all laugh so much - you should at least let us sympathise with your pain - gentle hugs xxxxx
Thx hunnies - well, it's true - gin does make you cry. Watched A Human Heart earlier and was sobbing, smacked myself around a bit, told myself to smarten up, then switched channels to watch a programme about Pompeii - and the woman doing it is SO annoying. I know she's into her stuff - but the writers should be sacked!