Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning all

Working from home today, which is handy because I have a return of the upset tummy. Had mince last night so am wondering if the IBS symptoms extend to all beef?

Hope you are all well.
Hope you feel better soon Susie! x :)
Evening Susie:). Sorry to hear about the tummy problems - hope you can figure out what's causing it!
Good you were wfh tho
Hi Susie, how's things this morning?
Afternoon Jim and everyone else

Back on clean and green today in earnest, I've been mucking around for ages and put another 9 lbs on OMG! Too much alcohol, FFs and mayo, and a real blow out for my birthday dinner - so it's back to basics.

B - bacon and eggs, 1 soya latte
L - 3 D&A sossies with lettuce, tomato and cucumber, lemon oil dressing
D - steak and butter sauce with cabbage
S - yoghurt and berries - my one indulgence but the yoghurt helps my tum
E - walk at lunchtime
A - no
As long as you have enjoyed it Susie ;) time for us all to get focussed and get this weight off - we can do it :D
I've had lunch, it's half one and I'm still starving :(

Time for more water....and yes, you're right Bren we can do this together!
You know you don't need to be hungry, have you got lots of stuff in or do you need to do a shop? I had a huge tuna mayo salad for dinner tonight and made one for my lunch tomorrow, so bloody yummy, think it is my favourite meal currently. Had my last exante soup today, only one bar left which I will have at some point tomorrow just so I know it is all gone. Then just food, omg that is a bit scary.................but I know it is the right way to go, need to settle down into a proper routine right through the week and weekend food-wise and make alcohol my only treats - to be danced off of course!

What is your strategy now, clean and green and staying off the booze as much as poss? xxxxx
Right, I've had steak and cabbage for dinner, made a meat loaf for lunch, got breakfast sorted, made up some sugar free jelly and am about to put half a dozen eggs on to hardboil.

I've also taken my measurements - with a metal measuring tape - so not perfect, but I didn't do it last time. And no I'm not telling what they are....:D

Susie's mantra -

I AM going to get more organised :cross:

I am NOT going to have any wine until Friday night :eek: