Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Afternoon Lady S shame re the snow our roads are treacherous even though we've apparently got a third of all Scotland's gritters here - where I ask you?
Hope you get your phone sorted soon xx
Yeah, saw that on the BBC website Flutter - I had assumed there was one on every street by that report!

Hope the phone is sorted soon Susie - so close and yet so far...

Are you planning vino this evening? Not sure whether to settle down at the puter this evening or get a decent DVD out. Will most likely have a wee dram myself - just to keep the cold out you understand.
Re the vino, I wish, hun - got nothing in, sadly! Think I'm going to watch SATC 2...

But get that dram down you, it's colder than a witch's you know what LOL!
Nothing in Suse.... not sure thats ever happened here, I'd go into shock if it did! I shall be watching Strictly in the company of Crabbies me thinks. x
Yeah, saw that on the BBC website Flutter - I had assumed there was one on every street by that report!

Hope the phone is sorted soon Susie - so close and yet so far...

Are you planning vino this evening? Not sure whether to settle down at the puter this evening or get a decent DVD out. Will most likely have a wee dram myself - just to keep the cold out you understand.

Oh yes we have our own personal snow plough just like the deposed Scottish Transport Secretary ;).
Evening all
We have lots of snow too - had a good time at the office crimbo party - and no hangover to speak of :D been out today briefly to pick up bits and pieces and had lunch at Wetherspoons - not overly legal I am afraid....................ho hum.

Snow has put paid to plans to go over to see family tomorrow too :(
Afternoon all :)

Housework this morning and lazy afternoon here today. Going to be very cold tonight - minus 6 in London, so imagine many of you will have even lower temperatures - keep warm, all!
Evening Susie
Supposed to be -9 here overnight - brrrrrrrr
Day off tomorrow, supposed to be food shopping for Christmas but not even sure I can get the car out of where it is!
Hope you are keeping warm and have managed to get alcohol supplies in :D
Evening hun, crikey -9!!! Be careful tomorrow venturing out.

Am keeping off the alcohol for the moment - but will make up for it on Tuesday (big Xmas/farewell party for my old work - if I can get there!)
I am trying to refrain tonight but knowing I am not working tomorrow is making it hard...........2 days off the waggon has meant 7lbs on (am sure it is mostly water - bloody carbs!) and am determined to get back down again before the Christmas onslaught.
If I am at all unsure about driving tomorrow I will be doing a lot of walking to the shops lol.

Hope you manage to get to your party on Tuesday - the ice fairy needs a holiday I think - somewhere a long way away!
Yeah Bren, totally peed off with not being able to go anywhere or do anything. I demand a thaw, and then the rest of the winter to be the warmest on record to make up for it - to hell with global warming! I pay my taxes! Or something!

Aaaaaaaand - relax.

Susie hope you get to the night out - that would be awful to miss. Is the flirty guy going to be at that one?? Do you have any plans to misbehave? ;)
I'll say!

Right my lovelies, I'm off to bed to keep warm and read a book (because quite frankly, I am up to here with "feel good" Christmas films :)). Have a good evening and speak soon :)

Hi Water - the flirty one probably will be there - as soon as I invite him hehe
Night pet - off to telly land shortly for the 2 hour apprenticestravaganza!!!
Gawd is it morning already??? I'd just got to sleep last night and my "lovely" (not) upstairs neighbour had a party. I'm in an old Victorian block and can hear everything - so a party with loud music, lots of people shouting and carrying on was not what I was looking for, especially when it went until 3.30am this morning!! A few of us called Environmental Health but they were as useful as a chocolate teapot...

Hope everyone else had a better night? :)