Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Gorgeous. Now I want one.
When I ate carbs they were to die for!

I like the way you write that in the past tense Susie - that's a real statement of intent that is!
im going for a look. I went to get choc and i just chatted to colleagues instead then didnt even look at the chocs :) go me. so ill look at some virtual doughnuts instead.

Bloody snowing here again. :sigh: I used to love the snow in Norway, German and Canada, but we are so bloody hopeless here I just know it's going to be a nightmare getting home.
cant you get off now Jim????
My cigarettes have become very quick recently Suze- its soooo cold!
Yes Jim... after you've told us what yr getting Olivia :D why not head home? x
LOL, oh it'll be safe enough, just slow.
always Susie, Old entrenching tool from the army, water an old army poncho and as always a first aid kit and hazard beacons.
wow you are organised. I thought susie meant
more fags
couple of lighters in case other one breaks
mobile phone charger ;)
ok suze. ill be serious for a change.
I have nothing at all in case i get stuck! better got stocked up for my journey on friday.