Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

oh Sus - thats rubbish. i was awake from 2 till about 5 i should have called ;)
ah yes, the curse of noisy neighbours Susie
it is Suze. even worse when i know i have to get up :(
any news on job babes?
oh no - esp with jan sales coming up eh?
Morning Suse... sorry to hear you had a crap night! I had to listen to hubby coughing & spluttering all night, he's so bloody loud he keeps waking me up!
Oh the cheek Linz - chuck him on t sofa ;)
My best mate (who just got married in August) sleeps in a different room from her OH - works well for them! :) Not sure after being single for a while that I could share my space either :)
Jeez selfish bugger! I've had the sniffing and coughing all week too and now he's given it to me. I wouldn't kick him out though, I love cuddling up to him during the night, he's always so warm lol.
chocolate o clock??? ive just bought some thorntons..... as a gift you understand. im going to have some cheese with pickle innit ;) i mean in it.
atkins choc?
Are you going to have Thorntons AND cheese AND pickles altogether? lol.

Yes I think it's Atkins choc o'clock! Got given some cappuccino truffles and just gave them to the neighbours so am feeling very virtuous :)
oh go girl. im sorely tempted to go donwstairs into the choc box and eat some roses :(
I know Jim but a girl just has to have some chocolate (and the Atkins stuff doesn't give me any trouble).

LOL Vicky, try and resist hun (or not!). Just saw neighbours on the other side come in with two big boxes of Krispy Kremes - wonder what the lock up charge is for assault and theft of doughnuts? :D