Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

I've never needed any of the stuff I carry, but better safe than sorry,
a shovel of some sort, warm waterproof coat, water (I carry a gallon container) first aid and if possible hazard beacons. I only have the last two because they are the Law in Germany, should be law over here as well.
lol i was thinking exaclty the same thing. shovel?? me??
Absolutely peeing myself at this!

I worked in edinburgh for a year, and the first thing my employer gave me on my first day (apart from the heebes) was a shovel. I thought he was mental - until the first night I had to use it!

Really should be carrying a shovel about too - back to work tomorrow and that means a 40 mile round trip.
And some Atkins bars. :D
Definitely some chocolate :)

Slight change of topic - just confirmed the flirt is coming tomorrow. Man after my own heart, he has fallen over twice today on the ice hehe :)
Gosh, hope he doesn't fall onto you on the way home tomorrow night or anything Susie. What with you two being so accident prone an' all ;)
Hehe and that would be such a bad thing..... ;)

Am feeling very happy because FINALLY I am getting my business account sorted; am watching a very funny (albeit American) show called Psych and I've found half a bottle of wine in the cupboard :D. Hopefully it's not off :eek:
Why would it stop you if it was? Does not compute. :confused: :D
Oh, no, I was talking about the wine, LOL!
Er, I know for a fact I would drink it anyway. Constitution of a horse though. :eek:
It's the smell - ever since I started Atkins I just can't handle the smell of red wine anymore. No trouble pouring it down the old throat tho! :)
That's so weird Susie! I adore red wine, I'd be gutted if that happened to me. Can you still drink white?