Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Afternoon Susie - we are having a bit of a thaw today in between snow flurries - not walking weather, too slippery underfoot!
How did you do yesterday?
Hello babe, glad the snow is melting - all gone here, ditto the ice, so it's safe to venture out - not that I have! Had a toss turn night again, so at 6 I turned the heating back on and had a cup of tea - which always knocks me out, for some reason. Woke up at 12! :eek:

So it's going to be a tellie and book reading kind of day for me. Oh, and the new Upstairs Downstairs - watched it last night, v good :)

And watching Midsomer :)

What you up to?
I am spending the day on my computer, Loretta is watching midsomer and filing her nails - they grow like nothing on earth and are hard as hell so it is an hour of a job! dogbert is crashed out in front of the fire, I have a ham to roast for dinner - just doing it very simply - might brush it with a bit of marmalade just before it is ready for a christmassy touch...............
Nice glass of red on the go of course :)

oh yes, we enjoyed upstairs downstairs too
same kind of day here, icy outside, fire cosy inside, harry potter on the telly, was just considering a glass of something too! :)
Probably done more than that but not denied myself anything really, in moderation of course ;) will get back to it properly in new year although may have a couple of good days before then.
Upstairs Downstairs for us (I have no say in telly watching but to be honest I really don't care................. would rather surf).
Yes it is, copious amounts of cheese and roast ham hanging about along with lots of bottles..............and am now watching my goddess Sue Perkins (YAY)
We have a video of her touching my hand - L's birthday - took her to a recording of Light Lunch - one of the guest was Richard Herring who seems to be staging a comeback of sorts...........I made some red fish shaped biscuits (red herrings) lol ramble ramble