Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

It's nice to be back, I need the break Susie. :) and I'm on strict induction for the next few days. LOL.
Well ladies (and Jim), I am just in the door from the Oxford Street sales - and all I can say is, it nearly killed me!!!

Thought I may as well go, after getting up so early, and it was dreadful! Millions of people, no real bargains, oh and did I mention, millions of people?

Never again.
I don't think I would ever attempt the sales Suse.... nothing appeals to me less! x
Evening Susie and all
Sales sound horrid! We have been out last 2 days but to nice quiet places :) got lots of brownie points taking the MiL out yesterday too
I have 2 days on my own now as Loretta is off to work tomorrow and Friday :D
Oh that's nice Bren, hope you get loads of quality time with yourself doing things you love (not being funny - we all need 'me time') and of course with lovely dogbert!

Susie, I went to M&S this afternoon and it was mental! Never again! On the sleep thing, sleeping tabs are never the answer - they will rob you of just as much sleep as you actually get from them, but could you go see someone nice and sympathetic about it, as opposed to Ms/Mr jobsworth? Or an alternative practitioner? I did shifts for years, and I know how impossible it is to function in the daytime when you haven't had enough sleep. :(
Lavender oil on your pillow, or even better in a nice hot bath before bed? the drop in body temperature when you get out is supposed to help sleep.

Or have you looked at melatonin? I don't think you can get it in the UK, but it's available online, and supposed to be really good at resetting your sleep clock.
Thx hun, now that the ankle is getting better, am going to try a bit of exercise and see if that helps.

I've tried every herbal remedy going, without success - when I get desperate, I take a couple of nurofen, which knocks me out for 3 hours - not ideal, but what can you do? (I don't have a bath in the flat :()
Susie, if any consolation - I am sleeping much better since I lost my weight - always struggled before, I think a lot is to do with getting comfortable, I can now sleep as I want to - not just as I can physically and it certainly makes a difference to me, so maybe in the future it may get better for you - fingers crossed xxxxxx

WW - yes "me time" is extremely important - think I may have to have a nice long walk with dogbert tomorrow and take a step back from the food and drink as I have certainly overdone it - not as much as I could but probably more than I should...
Thx hun - I've always had problems sleeping, especially when I'm worried about something (such as job hunting :)) and am a real night owl!
Yup me too, work gets in the way of being a night owl though :( if I could only win the lottery and set up my animal rescue centre I would be a happy bunny!
Night Susie, thanks for your help today re the meet-up! :)
Miserable and foggy/misty here today love.