Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

I get the headaches but not full on flu. x
Morning Susie love.
Lol Lisa :)
yes Suze me too unless im drinking. could sleep in the morning though funnily enough when the alarm goes off!
Afternoon all

LOL Lisa, excellent to see such a good use of time :)

A bit wiped out today, only got to sleep at about 5am, then slept fitfully (prob because it's totm) :(

Never mind, it's Wednesday and that means Castle night yaye - and double episodes tonight :) (for those not in the know, Castle is a FAB US cop and rookie show, very funny and sexy, gruesome murders, love it! )
oh thats sounds good but there is waaay too much other stuff on to watch im having nightmare resheduling things to fit in new series (ask Linz its stressful)
sorry you not sleeping well. its also the diet i think hon.
any agencies called or you been ringing?
woo :) fingers toes and legs crossed xxxx
ill get excited for you then. did you tesco delivery come yesterday?
Yep, lovely helpful delivery man, too - but quite a lot was out of stock - D&A sausages :eek: Lucky I've got some in the freezer!
Close call there - I couldn't live without my sossies on Atkins!

Everything crossed for you here also Susie. Did your other offer fall through?
It's a tough world out there at the moment, Water, I was contacted about 8 jobs in December - which have all disappeared (mainly because they decide they can fill internally or don't have enough money).

The other offer is still out there, the guy said he would contact me mid Jan - so another week or two before I know.

I really do appreciate that you are all worried for me, but if it's OK with everyone, I'd rather we didn't mention work/jobs/etc for a bit - because the thought of more weeks out of work is making me feel a bit sick :(

Thx xxx
Sorry hun, promise not to ask again till you hear something more positive. Big hugs lovey, hope you're OK x
Thx hun - so what you watching tonight?

I can't stop eating today - have nearly scoffed all the gouda (the trace of carbs Creamfields version, hopefully it won't stall me)!