Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

No I haven't Susie. I do tart up tesco value olives by draining the brine, putting olive oil in the jar with herbs (rosemary is nice) or spices - my fave is the bog standard cajun spices from Tesco, and they always turn out lovely.

Sorry - not in any way related to your original question was it? :D
No lol, but interesting as always :)

Sounds like it might be in the "too hard" basket, to be honest, so will save the pennies and order from Nudo again (lemon and mandarin oils, to die for)
Ooooh - most interesting reading.

Can I ask (as a total philistine obv), how cooking something in lemon-infused oil is different to just cooking it in normal oil and just adding lemon juice or lemon essence? *is a philistine in the corner*
When I add lemon juice to oil, it separates. Where do you get lemon essence from?

Thx for the article Bren, I read that too. The best way is to grind the lemon skin in when the olives are being pressed.
Baking aisle at Tesco. Told you I was a philistine. Although it just might work! ;)
Morning Susie love.
Morning lovelies

Great to see you back, Jim, you have been sorely missed :)

3lbs off for me this week, not back considering totm and no exercise to speak of :) Onwards and downwards!
Whoop whoop well done Suse. x
Well done Susie, look at that Vicky, boobs hanging out.
well done susie!

Omg Jim you cant see my nipples can you pmsl!
p.s. thats a wig im wearing
yes Susie, well done love.

Vicky, you look a right nutter love. :)
Not sure Susie, doesn't happen to me.
Yes Suze but i never get it as bad as the first ever time (this time last year!)

and yes im a nutter - roll on birmingham!!!!