Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

We got a dual control one so it only heats up my side of the bed... Hubby is his very own hot water bottle so doesn't need any further heating! Its lush & I slept the best for ages last night!
Awwwwww - I want one! Might grump about a bit and make the OH see reason. Actually I could just get a single one and put it on my side of the bed! :D
I like that! WIll try it out for a few nights and report back. ;)
Oh Susie, I've been the same! Seriously thinking about cooking something else - and at this time of night!

Wanted to have loads of induction-friendly snacks ready for tomorrow. I did TRY with cooking sossies a couple of hours ago, but my little family of gannets finished them off within about 30 seconds! ;)
Well I now feel a bit sick, I have just stuffed myself with pork! But it was delish (apart from one piece of rind which still had its hair on it ewwwww!)
Afternoon lovelies!

Atkins chocolate sale alert - on sale now at Tescos online -

Day break bars - strawberry (3 carbs), cappuccino nut (3 carbs) and choc chip crisp (2 carbs), box of 5 was £5.85, now £4.38
Endulge milk choc crisp (1.8 carbs) - was £1.15, now 86p
Advantage choc decadence (2 carbs) - was £1.99, now £1.49

Available until 25 Jan!
Never again Susie.

I DID end up cooking again last night - pork belly too. I'm so suggestible, LOL!
I did thank you there, Susie, but I'm scrubbing this information from my memory banks! :D
*fingers in ears* la la la la la la...
You're such a sweetie. You're also right - the first choc I ever allowed myself was the Atkins endulge bars, and they didn't bother my guts at all. I just got a taste for thornton's stuff (sweeter) and forgot that there was an alternative.

I will deffo be saving those up for my treats after I get through my little induction stint (whenever that actually starts).
LOL oh yes sorry, forget I mentioned it...I'm not very good at laying down guilt (starting with myself haha).

But at only 2 carbs per bar - no, no, stop it, Susie, step away from the keyboard! :D

Has anyone ever tried infusing olive oil with, eg, lemon? I'm hooked on the stuff but it's quite expensive to buy so thought I might have a shot myself. There are lots of google recipes but thought I'd ask my team of experts first! :)