Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

It's shared ownership (SO), hun, so the housing association has notified everyone on their list - and SO flats just don't come up in the area. So hopefully it will get some applications in next week!
woo oh i do like to be beside the seaside!!!
LOL morning hun, how was your date night?

Ended up not getting to bed until 1.30am - was still having puter problems (trojan viruses which must have been nasty, they kept freezing the antivirus programmes I was using!) - so got rid of everything and reloaded Microsoft Security Essentials - and touch wood, it seems to be fine.

My cold is back with a vengeance, though :( Cleaning up this morning, then over to the flat. Quite excited!
date night? that was thursday!!!! omg you are losing the plot! enjoy your day babes xxxx
Morning Susie. Hope your cold doesn't get in the way of having a successful day :)
Good luck Susie, so glad loads of people are viewing the flat - are you house-hunting in earnest now for another place?
Morning Clare, no the househunting is going to wait until the money's in the bank! As usual, it all depends on work - I am prob going to have to commute to London, which is 90 mins (when the line runs smoothly, it is single track for a lot of the way and has the worst punctuality record of all the train lines!) so need a job that doesn't involve then travelling across London as well :)

Exciting though to think that, when it sells, I will have financial independence! :)

What are you up to today?
Phew, home at last, heating on, red wine waiting to be opened and a very BAD carby meal to be had - have been hugely naughty today, nothing to eat at all :eek: Just too busy, is the excuse, my ankle was a bit sore after lots of walking about, it's cold - etc, etc! :)

So am about to tuck in to chicken korma mmmm.

Hope you all had a good day :)
Hi susie. How did the day go (apart from the not eating!)?
Really well, 4 out of the 5 turned up (the other had a bad cold and is coming to see it next Sat) - and all seem keen on it - so all good.

But omg London is busy - people everywhere, half the tube lines weren't working so the Central line was heaving! Really looking forward to moving out of London - never thought I would say that - but it's a young person's place (not that I'm ready for the Innovations catalogue just yet).

And my appetite has definitely shrunk - pre-Atkins I used to polish off a chicken korma and rice no problem, but halfway through the one I got tonight, I am full to the gills!