Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Nite nite miss.... thanks hun. xx
No good, I'm afraid - just rang and it's under offer. Oh well, at least I know what I want is available :)

Not feeling too grand today, cold is back with a vengeance, wish it would just clear up! So, not much planned here. Hope you are all well.
what about your cafe love is that still available?
Morning Susie love. Nice place
what about your cafe love is that still available?

Morning hun

The cafe is still available but a friend who owned a cafe has talked me out of it, he said the profit just isn't there unless you work the place on your own seven days a week :eek:, so it's back to Plan A :)
Hmm, Interesting, Jenny seems to make a bomb and she has 4 or 5 people working for her, I'll ask her at lunch time.
yes dont give up!
can you get the financials of the current owners and the reason they are leaving?
Morning Susie. Our local cafe is always packed but its usually builders etc having the full fry up. Dont think there'd be much call around here for an Atkins cafe or nice tea rooms lol.
I'm off there soon so I'll have a chat with her Susie. I should imagine Location is important though, Jenny's is surrounded by factories and our trading estate is next door, then there is the Villa Ground etc. She serves mainly fry up food with a lunch menu of basic English food. She's open 7 - 2 weekdays and 7 -12 on Saturday.
Hi Susie, I chatted to Jenny, basically she puts it into 3 categories.
1. Location, although there are other Cafe's there, Jenny's is the biggest and easiest to get to.
2. She doesn't depend on passing trade, it's mostly people from the factories and our trading estate, except on Match days when she has a huge take out trade, mainly bacon or sausage sandwiches.
3. Size, Jenny's is in an old corner Victorian building, she can seat up to 50 people and is often full.

All the other things are the usual, bulk buying etc. I was surprised at how much is pre cooked though, then kept in the fridge until needed, the fry ups I have there always taste as though they've just been cooked, but actually they have been deep fried 48 at a time and then just heated again in a frying pan when needed. Taste good though.
That's very helpful, Jim, thanks so much for taking the trouble.

I think I need to do a lot more research, and go and check stuff out. I had to have an honest chat with myself and I just don't think my cooking skills are up to cooking for other people - it might taste fine but I'm a bit slapdash and can't always guarantee that it will look OK :) So that means hiring a cook, which means less profit.

Food for thought, as they say :)
Hi Susie
I think all service industries are hard work - thats why you have to find something where you enjoy the doing :)
I always wanted to run a cafe or a pub Susie, thing is I'd probably eat/drink all the profits. :)