Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

I have to give her notice that I'm entering the flat. She had agreed to Saturday viewings but then had a tantrum and made me change them all...grrr. I really hate conflict and will be very glad when she has gone! :)
AWW wont be long babe. whens interviews? sorry you might have said but my head a bit messed up lol x
Yes she needs sorting out big time! :)

Interviews are tomorrow, hun. The market is definitely getting better, got called about two other roles this morning too :) Sorry you're still feeling rough! I am feeling a bit hungry, but everything I actually think about food I feel queasy, so will stick to water, I think!
Morning all

Woozie is right on the money, been up all night with a very dodgy tummy. No FF eaten so think it must be part of this virus, or worry from my tenant (she is being hugely unhelpful and made change the viewing times). Oh well, she'll be gone in three weeks, thank goodness.

Hope everyone is having a good day :)

Maybe you've got what Colleen had Susie.
Ah im ok re food love, just tired out! only done one litre of water too but just doing what i can. hope you feel better for tomorrow babes x
Thx both - Jim, was Colleen taking anything for it?

Vicky hope you get some rest tonight, hun!

Think I might head back to bed for a bit...xx
My lodger has been bad love and she has some anti sickness tablets from the docs.
i do get sleep just never enough x
No Susie, she just drank very little and didn't eat yesterday.
Hi Suse!

Its like the plague round here everyones dropping like flies! Get it out of yr systems before Brum!

Good luck tomorrow babes if I don't get on again, I'm IKEA'ing it!
Yes off to bed shortly and up early (yes, you heard it here first :)). Just realised I have to write a presentation and a press release for the 2nd one tomorrow, seems a bit much for a 2-3 month contract, but heigh ho! My fault for not reading the email properly...
oooooooo good luck with that, wouldn't know where to start (but am sure you do thank goodness) good luck for tomorrow - go and wow them hon xxxxxxxxx

See you tomorrow, am off to bed myself now, early start for me to avoid the roadworks again :( hope they finish soon! xx
Good luck with the roadworks!

Think it was a mistake to eat, tummy is growling, so decided to stay up and do the presentation/release - better than waiting until the morning. Will try herbal tea now, sigh...
Good morning Susie. Have a great day today - I know you will be really good and blow them away :D
Morning susie, good luck today love. I'm sure you'll do it.