Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Nice one for the CV. :)

Not drinking tonight (eye on the weigh-in, how sad am I?) but I'm out Saturday with my two friends, so I'll be raising a glass to you then Susie. :)
It's Saturday afternoon as well - my absolute favourite time to have a few drinkies. We call it 'shopping' although our partners know that there's damn all shopping done, and we do it every few months when one (or all) of us is peed off and needing to let the hair down! Can't wait. :)
What goes on tour stays on tour. Or whatever that phrase actually is. Cards are always tight to the chest here.

You'll be glad of that when I get back from Brum Susie. ;)
I am on an alcohol break too (till saturday night probably) but I would not thank you for the gin fortunately, the one spirit I can't do lol (was once very ill off it and can't cope with the smell anymore)
Oh yes I forgot about potential mischief that may or may not occur in Brum :)

I'll get the cash in the plain brown envelope ready...:)

Bren gin is the only spirit I can drink - and as red wine is off the menu, I can deal with the slightly oily fragrance. Have it with diet lime tonic, v nice
But we are all such good people, there will be no need for cash in brown envelopes lol (nobody will remember anything anyway!)
I'll go for the latter way out I think Bren. :)

No gin here either - I drank it to excess as a student before discovering that it is gin, and only gin, that gives me a thumping headache WHILE I'm drinking it. I thought everybody got it with all alcohol. :eek:
Morning Susie. I'm so pleased for you, you worked hard for it and you're a winner in so many ways :D So many replies here I forgot to hit multi quote and now can't remember what I was going to say lol x
Edit: oh yeah, I don't like gin either lol
Morning Susie, I'm thrilled for you love, well done.

It's bacardi for me, same reason, I can't even sniff it without wanting to vomit. :( and that's from way back in the late '60's LOL.
Morning all and thx again

Just a flying visit as I need to get over the other side of London for flat viewings - hopefully catch up on all your news later today xxx
FANTASTIC news on the job babes... hopefully you can get some more on the flat viewings too. x
LOL Bren I'll do my best!

Just off to have a little nap and rest the ankle - been racing around all over the place. Viewings went well, got three more tomorrow and then that's it, as the housing association has got plenty of applications for the flat - yaye!

Bought myself a little treat - an Aveda curling product. Felt very indulgent after not spending any money for a while :) Who knows if it will work but it smells divine!

I was VERY bad carb-wise today (lack of preparation) so it's back on strict induction tomorrow to reduce the damage for Tuesday's WI. I felt I had stalled a bit anyway, so will be good to go clean and green for a bit.

Out tonight for a girl's night, but the tum is still not 100%, so may stick to water :eek:
You called? ;)

Have fun on your night out tomorrow Suze. I'm off out in the afternoon with my two friends lovey - will turn in in the early evening with a tale to tell. :D