Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

morning sensible suz best of luck today babes xxx
Hope today went well.
I GOT THE JOB! Start on Monday and will be running the Olympic work for one of the host boroughs, so a very exciting role!

A majorly big thank you, hugs and kisses to my online support group
:) If it hadn't been for you guys I would have gone mad ages ago - but your support and good humour kept me going. Drinks on me in Brum!!!! xxxxxxx

Took ages to get home and it's so cold - also had nothing to eat today - so went in my local cafe and inhaled a huge plate of bacon and eggs and mushrooms (
and chips :eek:). Ate too fast and ignored the stop eating trigger, so I now feel ill! Tummy is rumbling a bit but cross fingers it stays like that :)
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I GOT THE JOB! Start on Monday and will be running the Olympic work for one of the host boroughs, so a very exciting role!

yey Job sounds fabtastic babe how exciting :) chips you deserve em babe :D
Thx sweetie you have been so supportive, I love you for it my new friend for life :)

It's initially for 3 months but I think it may roll on for a bit, and the flat will have sold so I can finally think about living life to the full again! Human race, here I come woohoo :)

Sadly it does mean saying no to the coast for a bit, because the commute would be a bit more prohibitive. But it will happen :)
and i love you too my new friend :) the coast can wait this can tide you over while you get that flat sold and get plans together :) im so so pleased and you can say im going to the olympics now thats really an honour :) cheers *clinks wine glass*
So pleased for you Susie! You've been so positive when most people would be moping around feeling sorry for themselves. Mine's a chilli vodka. :winner:
Thx hun - you all helped me so much, so share in the glory that is mine :D And no CCTV in my house so you missed the many days of tracksuit pants and unwashed hair!

Chilli vodka it is :D (I might have to start a list...)
Absolutely not - enjoy Susie! :D