Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

yey glad you had a fab first day love and hope day 2 is just as good :D
Afternoon all

Just sneaking in for a few minutes, won't be able to do this every day, but should be OK now. Busy, but in a nice way, and starting to make lots of Games contacts.

Brought my lunch in (chilli mince) but the smell of toasted foccaccia is filling the air. There is a cafe just next door selling lots of scrummy (bad) stuff so I don't even dare go outside!
Hey gorgeous :) stay away from the evils...will be even harder after the carb catastrophe over the weekend. Be strong as Jim Jim says :D
Did you resist Susie? Glad everything is going well so far for you, and even gladder you might be able to sneak on here occasionally! :)
Thanks all - I did resist!

But I've realised that I think longingly of carbs when I'm uber tired (only got a few hours sleep again last night, the neighbour this time, will catch up tonight) - on the DLR on the way home, I was thinking "Chips mmmm chips" - but avoided passing anywhere I could buy anything bad.

I am exhausted by the end of the day, though - combination of my ankle and me doing sweet fa over the last few months, plus lots of walking to and from train/tube stations. Really hope this improves...

Hope you all had a nice day :)
ah you will get used to it my love xxxxxx
Yeah I know, just being my usual lazy self...

OMG I feel really huge and lumbering in the office, they're all so slim! You would think that would encourage me, but I just wanted to go outside and stuff my face with cakes.
oh babes. you are not huge and lumbering and you are NOT going to stuff your face with cakes!!!!
Well done at staying strong and out of trouble with the evil carbs! Your fitness and stamina will improve fairly quickly now you are out and walking on a daily basis, things are on the up for you (except the weight of course) make the most of it :D
Hi Susie, it must be a bit of a shock getting back into the swing of things - i find it even after hols lol! Anyway you will, so stay strong :)
OOh so many temptations! I know you'll be strong!

I work in office full of skinny people too. I have secretly targeted the biggest one and aim to be smaller than her soon! I aim to be smaller than the next one after that and so on.

Obviously, I don't tell anyone I'm using them as a weight loss mini target - that would be weird! :)
My college is full of skinny 18 year olds who seem to ONLY eat crisps and chocolates from the cafe and ref which stocks basically nothing I can eat at all! The temptations can be painful to deal with - I hide away in the library on my breaks and sometimes have a bit of Atkins bar or pork scratchings to feel like I'm having something snacky.
Morning Susie, that'll be fun, all those hunky builders. ;)