Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning susie, hope it goes well today love.
Have fun misses. x
Hope it went well for you Susie. :)
Dahhhhhhlings oh I didn't half miss you all today :)

But if one must work, then I've done pretty well - the people are lovely, it's a busy office but quite chilled at the same time, the work is fun and I can really make it my own - so, all good :)

Glad I could stay awake, though :eek: Didn't get to sleep until 2.30am, just nerves/excitement, I guess but not good. Think I will sleep well tonight :D

But omg was I glad to get home, the ankle was killing me - so am scoffing into a medicinal plate of pork and cabbage and leek, and it's delish!

Hope you all had a lovely day!
Yay! Sounds like a good thing Susie, so pleased your first impressions are positive. :D
Sounds great Susie - apart from the late night - I would have been a zombie lol - glad your first day was so positive :D

I had pork and cabbage for tea too - and it was very very tasty!
Yes hun I was loaded down with roast lamb and salad, two bags of pork scratchings (didn't eat) and a cube of beef stock (also didn't have). So, should be Ok - as usual, it's all about preparation, so have just made chilli mince for tomorrow's lunch - there must be a microwave somewhere in the building! :)
I was a bit extravagant with mine, Sainsbo's had some pork belly with a stuffing (bit of apple not sure what else was in it) about 6.9 carbs per half pack - and it was extremely tasty for a change. When I say extravagant - it was 3 for £10 so not that bad really :)
Sounds great Susie - im glad yor first day was good :D
Now get some sleep tonight!!!
Or the mice for that matter :D