Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Ooh yes suze..ive got a thing for rigger boots.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;)
Rosebug - its hard when people around you can eat what they like. seems sooo unfair. well done you for resisting x
Suse I can so feel what yr feeling babes but your a beautiful woman & you will start liking yourself more... I promise it really is so very worth it! Plus I have a gawjuss black ruffle top waiting for you. xx
Evening lovely people

Thx for the inspirational comments, don't know what I would do without you!

Day 3 was good, had a quick 1-2-1 and they are "delighted" with me - so I'm doing something right :) It is so lovely to be working again, and I know the energy will come back slowly - and then you won't see me for dust! :)

Hope you all had a good day xxx
Hi Susie
Glad to hear it's going so well :D
Watching Midsomer here too - hope you are enjoying it :)

Well done on the 1-2-1 - it sounds like you have made a fabulous impression :D
Thanks all, v kind of you.

Oh Bren I did shed a tear at the end - but it will be interesting to see how the new Barnaby works out :)

Whirlwind of activity (see V I do listen haha) in the ad breaks, of which there were many - did the dishes, made Jim's meatloaf, cooked sausages and pork belly strips, and am just waiting for an omelette to cool - OMG I tipped too much chilli in the omelette, it is going to blow my head off - or wake me up big time :).

So that's breakfast, lunch and dinner all sorted...phew!

Off to bed soon so sleep well all and speak tomorrow xxx
Hi susie.

Rose, I fry mine love.
morning gorgeous :) very productive evening :D
Your evening sounds a bit like mine was then, a bit of this and a bit of that inbetween other things :D hope work is going well today
Hi all

Sneaking in on my lunchbreak - frenetic today! But all good, prefer it that way. Spring is springing too, the sun is out and I'm about to go outside and have my meatloaf and mustard and spinach salad :)

Rose - I bake my pork belly strips on some foil in the oven for 35 mins.

Hope you're all having a good day!
Hi Susie, mustard and spinach?
maybe spinach with some mustard on? or is mustard some new kind of veggie :D

hey susie - you sound soooo positive today fabtastico :D