Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning Katie

I am totally relaxing today (apart from a bit of housework that I should have done yesterday) and nursing a hangover after a surprise invite out, just to a local pub but caught up with a few people I hadn't seen for a while :) So of course I had a few more G&Ts than I should have had ...

What you up to today?
Still in PJs here - but have managed lunch including setting light to the sausages and DH losing some of his eyebrows :D
Evening Susie. Good luck for work tomorrow, hope you had a lovely lazy day today, and your impromptu night out last night sounds just what you needed!
Hi Susie,

One of my aunt's friends has a houseboat moored near Richmond. He and his boyfriend have done it up and the place looks spectacular, and he really likes being there. The only down side is occasionally having to use a stick to unpeel icky things that float down and get stuck to your boat - but he says if you have a mooring behind other people that's not much of an issue. Anyway, you can really do a lot with them, you should definitely go and have a peek around a few.
Thx Clare, feel like I have rejoined the human race and am determined to have a good time :)

And thx Rose for the info about the houseboat, I'd love to be at Richmond but moorings are like hen's teeth (or hideously expensive). If I get into a marina or canal, you avoid the problem with icky things drifting past :)

I've seen a couple of widebeams (seeing as I am widebeam myself :)) that I'll go and take a look at - and will report back :)

Am off to beddie byes now xxx
Night night Susie
Night lovey - lots of lovely exciting things going on for you now! x
Another sneaky visit at lunchtime. I really need to re-evaluate what I'm doing, had a carby thing for breakfast because I didn't organise anything at home. I just can't face eating first thing in the morning, so am ravenous after an hour's commute...

Was devastated on the weekend, I did a sneaky WI and I have put loads on - even though I have continued on induction. I've had hardly any cheese, no cream, no Frankenfoods (apart from Endulge bars), and I've had green leafies every day, so I don't understand why this is happening.

I think I need to take a few days away from low carb, get myself organised and then get back on strict induction. Think I will post my meals here and you can critique.
yes get posting but dont get away from low carb you will just put more on. Your body is probably just getting used to routines etc (i.e. i gain even when im being good at a weekend cos its not my routine).